The Caves of Venam

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Chapter 14-The Caves of Vennam

We arrived at the transport which was a motor tricycle, ‘You’ve hurt your arm,’ Reeas said.

‘Grenwer said I was too strong for this body, but it did the trick, never mind, we'll take care of it later.’ She got on the bike and I sat behind her, I said, ‘are you sure this thing can carry us?’

‘Don’t worry, but we might have to worry about being chased, we'll stand out like--.’

‘Like couple of beast people on a trike,’ I said. She looked at me; I could see she was fascinated by this beast that was able to converse in an intelligent way, which must have been unusual, but it was also the same for me.

We set off at speed. Reeas said, ‘We will have to dump the trike and get another transport, one which we would be able to hide in.’

Reeas said, ‘We will park up and look around for suitable shelter.’

‘I notice there aren’t any other road users on this part of the highway,’

‘No, I deliberately brought us here; it is a forbidden place,’

‘What do you mean?’

‘It is the dwelling place of the Vennam.’

‘That doesn't sound good, I was informed of them earlier they supposed to be in an isolated area!

‘Yes, but the security forces would not come in here!

‘OK,’ I said, ‘but what are the Vennam exactly?’

They are an alien race who can kill most beings with one touch.’

‘Oh, great’ I said! ‘How the hell do they manage to exist with other life forms?’

‘Don’t worry, they won’t come near us, they are afraid of us.’

‘Have you actually seen one?’

‘No, but I know what they look like, they are half-man and half-snake, the bottom half is snake,’

‘You mean they have no legs?’

‘Yes’ and their skin is dark blue in color, also they are naked.’

Please, God, help us to get through this I thought to myself.

We rode for about two hours through a countryside that was desolate featureless. Reeas then said. ‘Let’s make for a cave and hide out for a while.’ We hid the trike in undergrowth. Reeas took out a rucksack from the carrier which contained food and provisions. We then made our way to a mountain range to the Northwest. I asked her why we hadn't seen any aircraft, she said, ‘they are banned, anything which is too technological isn't allowed, apart from blasters.’

‘I suppose that’s lucky for us then?’

‘Yes, although they will still be looking for us, they also know there are two of us. It was now getting dark, I noticed that my eyesight was starting to improve, just like a cat; I could also see the Ancon’s stalking us.

‘Do you see what I see?’ I said to Reeas.

‘Yes. They won’t try anything yet, they know we can kill them quite easily, they will wait till later.’

We reached the Caves-of-Vennam. There were many caves, also many holes in the ground, some were very big and others were quite small. These holes were dotted all over the landscape as far as the eye could see. I didn’t like the idea that there could be Vennam waiting down there. I said to Reeas these holes are probably interconnected. She said, ‘Yes, but we have to take a chance. We picked a cave and went in. I said, ‘Are you sure the Vennam are afraid of us?’ Reeas emptied the rucksack and looked at me. ‘Wouldn’t you be afraid of you?’ she said, smiling.  There was food and water, medicine, also a knife, rope, bandages, a hacksaw and a blaster! I said, ‘Well done, Reeas. Why didn't I keep hold of the blaster which I had at the area where I was to be executed!’

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