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Chapter 66-Rejection

For Students: this is Dan Sherman checking in. All I can say is that I am sorry! I should have kept control of my senses and also Debra. I let my defenses down, and Sionn. The information is that there was nothing we could have done about the bomb. But I still feel foolish! We were now in the debriefing room. Grenwer entered the room. He looked around with his all-knowing look and said, ‘Welcome back Dan!’ Then everyone in the room started to clap!

‘But I failed, I said!’

‘No,’ shouted Grenwer. ‘You did your best, and you will learn from it. There was nothing we could have done about the explosive device. It had been there a long time, and was undetectable. It was put there by Super Robots who were programmed by Dark Agents.

How do we know this? It is because Debra told us’

‘What?’ I said, you mean Debra is back?’

‘Yes, as soon as you stabilized, we managed to access Debra; she gave us information about all the agents who were working on Altreena. They are all dead now, so we will interrogate them later.’

‘But if I hadn’t gone to see Nanny we may have been able to find the agents anyway, no?’

‘No, because as I said, the bomb was undetectable, don’t keep blaming yourself; blame the agents for putting the bomb there in the first place, also the agents could have transferred themselves off the planet, but they wanted to die for the cause.’

‘But, I am the one they wanted to kill.’

‘Yes, because you are part of the Guardian-Network.'

'What about Sionn?’

‘He will be taking a small break from things.’ said Grenwer.

‘Now, I want you to meet the man responsible for your safe return.’ Reeas looked at me with a smile as Kallo himself came into the room!

‘What’s this?’ I said. Reeas said, ‘Dan, Kallo used his expertise to find you, and save you!’

For you students out there please understand that I have only just regained my own consciousness and so I am a little behind on things, also, Debra has not, as yet, contacted me! I must admit I feel like a student again.

‘Now, Dan.’ Grenwer said. ‘You must be wondering about Debra?’

‘Yes, as a matter of fact, I am.’

‘Well, you can wonder no more. She has been totally renewed.’

‘What do you mean?’

‘She is no longer a personality in her own right. She is now just a part of the ship again.’

‘How did it happen?’ I said.

‘Excuse me.’ said Kallo; can I step in for a moment?’

Grenwer said, ‘Of course.’

‘Dan, when we knew you were going to visit your robot nanny, we thought it would be a good time for you to part company with Debra.’

‘What?’ I said.’

‘We had to be sure you would be in the right consciousness.’

‘Do you mean the whole thing was a set-up?’ I said.


I didn’t know whether to shout, swear, or fight. I walked out. It may have been my imagination, but I swear I could see a little smirk on Kallo’s face. These little idiosyncrasies which normal people can see seem to evade Kallo and his kind. Maybe over the many years that he has been out of any sort of caring system, he has lost a valuable part of himself; a part that he thinks he doesn’t need, but in reality it is a precious thing called love.

Dan Sherman Space Guardian All WorldsWhere stories live. Discover now