Journey into the Dark Regions

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Chapter 54-Journey into the Dark Regions 

We made preparations for the Journey. I asked Reeas if she was OK. She said, ‘Yes, don’t worry I can handle it.’

‘How do you feel inside yourself? You know, consciously.’

‘I feel fine, when we get back, I will get my full consciousness back.’

‘Good, although I would love you, no matter how you are.’

Reeas smiled. She had a beautiful smile.

Students: please prepare yourselves for the lower regions. Make sure you can access everything from astral databank.

We transferred our consciousness into the vehicle that was going to be our home for the journey. Yes, you guessed it, Debra! How can a lightship transport us to the lowest plane of existence? You ask. Well, my friends, really, it is not a lightship but just an astral image that we can use for now. Anything is possible here, my student friends. Debra was still functioning but only through me. I was certainly glad she was here but her use would be limited. Kallo was now becoming friendlier! I felt ill at ease with this. But I knew I could handle it. All we had to do to get there was be conscious of the actual lowest plane; and we would be there!

The one thing I wasn’t ready for was the darkness. It was so dark that I simply could not see!

‘Don’t worry.’ Kallo said, ‘You will get used to it.’

Reeas was letting Kallo guide us for now. Debra didn’t say anything apart from the usual ship stuff. For you people who can’t understand how the ship can function like this. I can only say that it is part of me, and not the ship! After several hours we came to a beacon. People with special knowledge can see them; I noticed it was on red; that means there was danger ahead! Our eyes were becoming used to the darkness now. I can tell you it was a very frightening place to be. There are no visible things that you associate with normal everyday life; Just nothing of interest! We couldn’t see very far also maybe three or four yards, but we could see the beacon! I tried to get Debra to shine a light from the ship but it didn’t help.

Kallo said, ‘We will have to get out and walk from now on.’

I said, ‘Why?’

He said, ‘The ship was stopping us from accessing the darkness.’

I thought about it and had to agree. Debra would have to revert back into my consciousness.

‘A nice trick you can do there.’ Kallo said.

‘Thank you. The ship is part of me, you know.’

‘Yes and very handy, especially when you are in the physical world, eh?’

I saw Kallo’s face as he thought about it. Can we really trust him? I thought.

Kallo said, ‘Now we will have to cross the divide at the beacon. We will have to beware as there will be a gatekeeper on guard.’

I felt a little relieved, as we had not met anything nasty up to now, but it is early days yet. I wanted Reeas to appear but I knew Kallo was the expert down here so I let him lead us for now.

Suddenly a dark shape appeared in front of us! ‘Go back.’ It said!’ I couldn’t make out any shape at all! It was just a sort of blob on the ground which was throbbing!

‘Who are you?’ I said.

‘That is none of your business. My job is to stop anyone from entering here!’

‘Dan, please let me handle this.’ Kallo said.

‘OK,’ I said. Kallo then pointed at the Blob with two fingers then spoke some words which I knew to be from the ancient Black-Art books of Dalfien, (which was a lower world planet which Kallo himself destroyed some hundreds of years ago.) The Blob said to Kallo ‘You are the Dark-Angel who cursed us!’ Then it just vanished! I thought, my God, if this man could get back to his other self he could again become all powerful.

‘OK, my friends,’ Kallo said. ‘We can go back.’

‘Hold on,’ I said. ‘We are supposed to find the agent at the door,’

‘We did find him.’ Kallo said, ‘I neutralized him.’

‘No, it couldn’t be that easy? Mannus himself asked me to supervise this job and I know we haven’t finished it yet. The entity we contacted there was only the gatekeeper to stop people coming in. We want the one who is letting people in, or all manner of entities.’

‘Yes,’ Kallo said. ‘But where is he?’

My mind was starting to hurt! How can it? You say.

Mind is a separate thing from astral! I know that, but nevertheless it does. I wanted to be away from this place. Kallo said, ‘Let us go back to the door and see what comes.’

I felt an almighty need to run. The place was starting to affect me badly. How could Mannus think I could cope in here? I want Reeas, I thought. I was looking at Kallo as I thought it and she appeared!

‘Thank God you are here.’ I said!

‘Don’t worry,’ she said, ‘you haven’t got used to the vibrations of the place yet.’

‘I know, but this place is starting to affect me. Kallo wants us to go back to the door again.’

‘Yes, it is the only way to find the agent.’

‘OK,’ I said, ‘just give me a few minutes to adjust. You know Kallo got rid of the gatekeeper to stop entities coming in.’

‘Don’t worry; he will be replaced with another.’ Reeas said.

‘Do you mean we will have to get by him as well?’

‘Not if we find this agent who is letting entities in.’

‘Why did Kallo want to go back to base when he got rid of the gatekeeper?’

‘I see what you mean. Surely Kallo can’t be getting back to his old self.’

‘Well, we are in his Domain, aren’t we?’

‘Very well,’ she said, ‘we will have to keep Kallo inside from now on.’

‘What about finding the agent?’

‘We will try by ourselves.’ Reeas replied.

‘Want to dance? I said?

Reeas smiled, but I could see she was worried. We reached the door. The feeling of dread was back again. I then noticed a very dark and menacing shape appear in front of us. I knew straight away this entity wasn’t supposed to be here. It was far too dark, even for this plane. Reeas was replaced with Kallo, as I became ‘aware.’

Dan Sherman Space Guardian All WorldsWhere stories live. Discover now