The corruption of Sionn

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Chapter 71-The Corruption of Sionn

We were back at the Guardian base on Kerion 6. The Master-Agent had been moved to a secure astral prison where it will be monitored from now on. The time machine had been deactivated and was now being dismantled. Sionn was in the briefing room where we were now gathering. Reeas and Deria were also here. Debra insisted on sitting next to me as she was now a Guardian. I tried to explain the situation to Sionn and Reeas before the meeting but they didn’t seem to appreciate it.

Sionn started off with a tribute to Debra which I thought was nice. He also welcomed her officially back to the Guardian- Network. Sionn was now looking serious again. I knew exactly why. I could now access messages that were coming into the network as soon as, or sooner than anyone, even Sionn! One message was from a planet called Dienna 3, in the Laxian-Galaxy. I knew Sionn knew that I could access these messages, so I’ll let him carry on with the message. He said: 'Information about an army of Super-Robots has been received from a planet called Dienna 3. The intension of this army is to wreak havoc in the surrounding star systems, and dominate the Laxian-Galaxy. This incident is not the only one. Four more Galaxies are reporting the same type of incident I can tell you that this entire series of events is tied into Kallo and his helpers.’

‘How can this be?’ Someone in the audience shouted. ‘I thought the agents had been captured.’

‘Most of them have, but these incidents were planned long before that.’

‘Why didn’t you know?’ someone else said. 'Surely it was expected. These incidents have been happening regularly, have they not?’

Sionn was now looking a little perturbed.

‘It is a never ending job just to keep track of Kallo’s endless team of helpers' Sionn replied. 'There are even dark agents who don’t even know that they are agents!’

Another person shouted, ‘How can that be possible?’

‘They have been secretly adapted while sleeping.’ Sionn replied.

‘When will we finally be done with Kallo?’ One woman shouted from the front row.

Sionn sighed, and looked unsure! I was starting to feel very sorry for Sionn. A thing I never thought was possible.

‘I’m afraid at this time we don’t know. Kallo is, as you know, in a High-Security Astral-Cell at this moment. But he is not the threat anymore! His helpers are now the real danger and I don’t mean the usual helpers. There are now, even as we speak, many thousands of Sleeping-Agents. That means there are many people who are working for Kallo in the dream worlds and don’t even know about it when they wake up’

‘What are we going to do?’ said another coworker.

‘We are going to take on the robot ships by old fashioned tactics.’ Sionn said.

‘You know that will fail.’ I said. Sionn was now looking at me with an expression that I have never before seen on his face before.

‘Yes, Dan, it probably will. But we have to try. You already know that the Master-Robots are linked together and cannot be shut down. You managed to destroy the Android fleet with your superior consciousness in Fexel space but they were Android’s. These are Super-Robots.’

‘Why don’t you say you don’t trust me and Debra?’ I said.

‘You know I trust you. But we can’t take a chance on Debra becoming depleted again.’

‘I won’t become depleted,’ said Debra, Who was surprisingly calm and even looked happy. I feel a change had occurred with Debra, but I was at a loss to know what. I know it is me who controls Debra but I cannot altogether control the emotions within myself.  Sionn knew this and was testing me.

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