Lost Ship - part two

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‘Don’t worry, Captain Kriron, we will wait till you are rested.’

I knew that would shake them up a bit.

‘How do you know our names?’ he said.

‘We know everyone’s name on your ship; we also know everything that we need to know to get you back on track to Amiron,’

‘What?’ He said.

‘Yes, you are to be sent home.’

‘No!’ he shouted, ‘we are on a mission to find new worlds.’

‘Can we come over and discuss it.’ I said.

‘Not if you insist on trying to send us home. He said.’

‘This is going to be harder than I thought,’ I said to Reeas.

‘Yes, I suspected this would happen.’

‘OK,’ I said, ‘now what?’

Debra said, ‘Their weapons are charged Dan.’

‘Yes, Debra, I know.’

‘You know we will be contacting the Veritalanian-Meridian in seven hours.’ Reeas said.

‘Yes,’ I said, ‘I know. OK, let’s get aboard their ship.’

‘Can I come, Dan.’ Debra said.

‘How?’ I said.

‘I can come as a hologram.’ 

‘You don’t need to come.’ Reeas said, ‘you can access anything we can while here on the ship.’

‘Yes,’ Debra said, ‘but I want to be near Dan.’

I glanced at Reeas with a we-might-have-a-problem look.

‘Can you actually appear as part of the ship, Debra? I mean, as a Robot.’

‘I am not a robot!’ she said.

‘No, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean robot. You know what I mean, as part of the ship, in body form.’

‘Yes,’ Debra said.

‘Good,’ I said. ‘Yes, you can come with us Debra; will you also be in charge of the ship?’

‘Of course, dear.’ she said.

Reeas was by now a little concerned about Debra.

OK, now for you students out there: yes, I know, it is funny that Debra is acting strange but I am not worried, after all, a ship of our magnitude will regenerate often, so it is just part of the process. She seems to be attracted to me; I’m not complaining, who wouldn’t want a gorgeous female light body near them. Reeas and I knew that with our light suits we could simply fall out into space and fly over to the Amiron ship, and then simply push our way in without endangering either ourselves or the Amiron ship.

‘This should be a shock to them.’ I said.

Debra said, ‘Yes, dear.’

‘Please, Debra, don’t call me dear in front of them, will you?’

‘Why not?’

‘Just don’t,’

‘All right, but I can’t understand why?’

‘Just call me Dan, as usual.’

‘OK, Dan,’ she said, sounding a little put out.

‘Make sure they can’t see what is happening Debra, will you.’

‘Yes, Dan, dear, only joking,’ she said.

I took a deep breath sighed and then we pushed our way out into space and then flew over to the Amiron which was the actual name of the ship. It was a giant of a craft some several thousand yards long with massive laser guns which were capable of destroying any normal craft, of course, our craft isn’t normal. We reached the main entry door and simply, yes, I know I use simply a lot but things do seem easy when you are a Guardian. We simply walked into the airlock room then through into the main boarding compartment. 

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