Lost Ship - part three

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The look on the crew members faces as we walked in was one of total shock. I saw that security people were in the room also with high-intensity blasters at the ready, in fact, one went off and glanced off my suit, then ricocheted into the wall making a substantial hole. I knew the damage was serious as the air re-filter system was now in danger of failure.

‘What the hell,’ shouted one of the crew.

‘Don’t worry,’ I said, ‘Debra, get that will you?’

Debra walked over to the wall and touched it. The repair was now done.

‘God almighty,’ Shouted another of the crew. I thought to myself this crew is a lot like people from Earth, trigger happy, and nervous.

‘Please don’t use your weapons anymore someone might get injured, now take us to your Captain.’

You students know that Reeas and I are still in our regular clothes, plus our light suits which were invisible. Debra was in a skimpy dancing dress with frilly tassels at the elbows. I was going to say something but I thought no, leave it. Also she had on very high heels and lovely earrings.

‘Please, Debra.’ I whispered, ‘can you just be normal?’

‘Why don’t you like me?’ she said?

‘I do,’ I said, ‘but we are at work.’

I could now see the crew members from the Amiron were getting confused.

The security chief was eyeing us with menace. I could tell he was stressed out and unsure what to do. I could also read his thought pattern and knew I had to watch him with closely. I said please let us go to the bridge. He gestured with his laser rifle to walk to the main door. We walked up a very long corridor to the bridge. Debra was by now walking like a fashion model on a catwalk.

Reeas said, ‘What are we going to do about her?’

I said, ‘What can we do?’

The security guards were in front and at the rear with guns Ready. I instructed Debra by thought to neutralize their weapons.

‘OK, Danny,’ she said.

Oh, hell, I thought, why bother, just accept it. The more I get bothered about Debra, the more it seems to get worse. We reached the bridge, by now there were lots of people around us.

Why I didn’t just re-adjust the Amiron from our ship, I thought.

‘Hello Captain.’ I said. ‘We are from the emergency landing base on the asteroid Aulous,’

‘I don’t care where you are from, just go away.’ He said.

‘Captain,’ one of the crew said. ‘Can we just hear what they have to say?’

‘No,’ the Captain shouted!

I asked Debra to assess his mental state. She informed me that he was suffering from severe stress overload.

‘OK,’ I said, ‘who is the 2.i.C.’ (second-in-command).

People were now looking at another person in the room but I already knew who he was.

I said, ‘I am now speaking to all the people in the room.

Do you want to go home?’ No one said anything for a few seconds, and then one young woman spoke up. I already knew she was Tyren, the person who was earmarked for Guardian training.

‘Yes,’ I want to go anywhere, but here.’ she said.

‘I’ll have you suspended-in-time for this,’ the Captain said.

I looked at Debra, she already knew my thoughts. The Captain was now rooted to the spot, and totally stiff. Will you please take him to the sleep-tubes?’ I said.

The security people were still training their weapons on us.

One security man who I now realized was second-in-command of security started to approach me. He said, ‘As my boss is in a coma and in sleep-mode I am now taking over control.’ Then the actual second-in-command of the ship said, ‘No you’re not, I am in charge while the Captain is away.’ The security man then pointed his weapon at him and said, ‘When it comes to the security of this ship I am in charge.’

I looked at Reeas. She whispered, ‘Dan, we have less than thirty-five minutes before we reach the Meridian.’

‘Yes,’ I said in a low voice, ‘I know.’

I couldn’t explain to them that a Non-Human alien race would destroy them in a short while. ‘Right,’ I said, ‘time to act.’

I looked at Debra, she already knew what to do, everyone on the bridge just walked off to their stations of work or rest.’

Thank you, Debra.’ I said.

‘No problem, big-boy.’ she said. Reeas just started to laugh.

Tyren was in the room with us, I knew she was somewhat confused but she could understand something of who we were.

‘I knew you would come, someday’ she said.

‘What do you know of us?’ I said.

‘I know I see you in my dreams.’ She said.

‘Don’t even think about it!’ Debra said, taking hold of Tyren’s arm.

‘Debra, please,’ I said. ‘She is a Potential-Guardian.’

‘I know, Dan, but she has feelings for you, I can tell.’

‘Yes, and I have feelings for Reeas, what do you think of that?’

I wish I hadn’t said that, as Debra suddenly grabbed Reeas by the arm.

‘What is happening?’ I said. ‘OK, back to the ship and that’s an order,’

I was feeling pretty scared at that moment, I can tell you. Debra was all powerful and I knew it. I had to keep my thoughts on the job and not get emotionally involved; I know it is silly,

but I don’t know what she will do in anger, so to speak.

Dan Sherman Space Guardian All WorldsWhere stories live. Discover now