Gatreal - Feriensa and Felthen - part two

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As you students know, I have had a few dealings with certain beings that also had high mental control. Why is it that some people who get highly evolved want to rule the Universe or anywhere else? I suppose it is after centuries of religion and spirituality they find that they don’t need it; they can produce anything with their fabrication machines and go anywhere with their starships. I know one thing we won’t find any potential Guardians on the Felthen’s ship!

After some more time trying to access Debra and also tune myself into the Felthen network, I decided to stop their ship and just leave them with life support while we accessed their database in inaccessible mode. We simply transported ourselves over as easy as walking from our ship to theirs. I now call it Debra-mode; the difference is that before I had to use a light suit which could still touched by anyone, but now we are totally protected, invisible, and untouchable! Deria was now back, she said that the Felthen crew checked out, but their seemed to be a presence on board that she could not find!

‘OK, I said, everyone please be aware that there may be a spy on board! I feel a bad vibes coming from the ship.’

Debra said, ‘The ship is totally safe, Dan.’

‘I know Debra, but I feel a trap is waiting for us.’

‘Dan,’ Debra said, ‘do you know what my name means?’

‘Please, Debra, not now.’

‘I’m just trying to lighten the tension, as you call it.’

‘Yes, Debra, I know you are, and yes, I know what your name means, as I am now a part of you.’

‘What does it mean? Dan.’ 

It means ‘the Bee,’ or an ‘Industrious Woman.’ I said.

‘Very good, Dan, you know I want to be recognized as a separate part of you. I also want to protect you and I want you to feel that you can rely on me for anything. OK team, let’s go.’

She was now dressed in a combat uniform with all the stuff that goes with it!

‘Debra, there is no need to wear that gear! They won’t be able to see us anyway.’

‘I know, she said, but you can see me, and I want to look professional!’

I must try harder to keep myself in check I thought! Once on board their ship we soon found the hostages, I was appalled to find they had been tortured not with the usual physical stuff, but with mental-probes; these were devices that had been banned for millennia in any civilized star system.

‘Can you help them, Debra?’ I said.

‘I’m afraid not, Dan, they are as good as dead.’ I was feeling pretty angry, I can tell you, students! OK, time for action. I noticed a sort of misty dark shape hovering to my left.

‘Do you see it, Debra, Deria?’

‘Yes, Dan.’ said Deria.

‘I can feel it more than see it.’ said Debra.

‘OK, please form a triangle around it, I said; now, concentrate on it.’ Within a short time it became visible. I knew it to be a Shadow-Person; they are entities which have been seen since time immemorial. Of course, it couldn’t see us or hear us, as we were in high-cloaking mode, but it knew something was wrong.

‘Do the Felthen’s know about this, Debra?’

‘There is nothing on the databank, but maybe it was brought on board with no info about it being given to the crew.’

‘That’s exactly right,’ said Deria, this creature is a clone of one of the astral entities which used to be used to bring victims untold agony. The poor souls who are lying here are testament to this; whatever you do don’t let it touch you.’

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