Chapter 1: A perfect balance of danger and charm...Will!

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Stanley 'STAN' Norris vs. Ian 'WILL' Williams

Pix: The sexy Arrowhead, Will, acted by the gorgeous Brett Davis

Video: 'Already' by Beyoncé ft. Shatta Wale

Dedicated to SuperSonicPaGer, for designing this dope cover (and all my other covers). He's the best! Thanks, darling.

Happy birthday to Elizbee. Have a good one sweetie.



On a vast clearing in the middle of the Achiase Jungle, somewhere in the Western part of Africa, twenty men and a lady stood with bated breath, their eyes trained on a gun-wielding, furious, hunky soldier and his target...a man with an absolutely wicked physique that was complemented by his handsome good looks. The tension swirling in the air around them grew by the second, tenser than the tension usually felt in the air before a thunderstorm. Except for the smirking, sexy, dark-haired lady who looked to be in her mid-twenties, all the men standing around looked panicky.

"Don't do this, Will." The handsome man, who had a Desert Eagle Mark of the most powerful and sophisticated guns ever made, pointed at his chest breathed. "Please."

In response to the man's soft plea, the gun-wielding soldier rather released the safety catch on the gun, the sound drawing a collective gasp from the men watching. The tension in the air ratcheted up a notch.

"Will, don't." The man, whose life was in danger at that very moment growled low in his throat, a myriad of expressions on his face. There was surprise, regret, desperation, hope, and subtle affection but no fear at all. Somehow, the man looked more concerned about his adversary than he was about getting killed. "You will regret it if you do this." He added softly.

"Wanna bet?" Ian Williams uttered his first words since stepping into the clearing where the recruits of the Arrowheads were being trained by a man who made his blood boil.

Then he pulled the trigger.


Months Earlier...

In a quiet hospital room, two siblings...a pretty pregnant lady and a young man of about twenty-five who stood about six feet tall, stood by a bed staring down at a woman who was fast asleep. The IV pumped fluid into her body through a tube stuck to the back of her hand.

"I think she looks better today." Sharon Dennis said tiredly as she looked at her sleeping mother.

"She looks so pale and weak.'' Lt. Ian Williams, Sharon's younger brother mumbled, a worried frown on his face. "I'm not comfortable." He let out a ragged breath.

"The doctor said the swelling has gone down so she's okay for now, Ian." Sharon muttered as she leaned over their mother to tuck in a tendril that had escaped her cap. "We have to stay positive." She stood upright again and turned to look at her worried brother. "Try and look a bit cheerful. I miss the bubbly you."

"I will look cheerful when I know for sure she's out of the woods, Shay." He said as he draped an arm around his sister's shoulder and pulled her closer.

"She will be fine." Sharon said, wrapping an arm around her brother's waist. "Just go do your thing. We will take good care of her."

"You think I can concentrate on work knowing that mum is lying in a hospital bed fighting for her life?"

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