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Sabrina POV

The room was quiet as Sarah moved my hair to the other side of my neck. Clasping the claps of the collar around my neck. It was morning the sun was just rising and we were getting ready for school.

"So I heard the talent shows happening soon are you gonna enter?" Sarah asks my heart kinda broke a little. I couldn't join. It wasn't because I couldn't sing I could sing. It's just...what I am.

This world was...there was different kinds of people in the world. I remember when I was younger my mom and dad would talk about what a wonderful beta I would be. They knew I wouldn't be an alpha. With how all my sisters turned out to be Alphas it was highly unlikely I would be to.

I was...ok with that though. I never wanted to be an alpha. They always scared me ever since I was little. The way they got mad easily sometimes. Especially if they were on there heat. They were powerful...and that's terrifying.

But what's even more terrifying is being what I am. It's not terrifying in the sense if I'm scary or something more. Terrified for my life of others. Because my instinct was to please and with just one world I would fall to my knees on the ground without even thinking.

People hurt people like me. I was weak.I shouldn't...I wasn't supposed to happen. It wasn't supposed to be this way.

"Sabrina" my sister's voice snaps me out of my thoughts making me look up seeing her in front of me now.

"S-Sorry and I can't...I'm not aloud to betas up. Omegas are only can help set it up" I could see a glow behind her eyes. The way her jaw clenched a little at my words.

"Don't worry baby I'll handle it" she says smoothly making me gulp.

"Sarah it's fine I can't-" I start but she cuts me off.

"No!" She yelled making me jump backwards looking down in my lap. "I- I'm sorry. Sorry my heat is close so my emotions are all over the place. But Sabrina don't...please don't ever look down on yourself" Her Hands went up to my face gently cupping my cheek and making me look up at her.

"O-ok" I let out softly the smile growing on her face. But it was a lie because could I not look down on myself when society looks down on me.

"Ok come on" she lets out grabbing my hand and pulling me off my bed. We walk out of my room downstairs into the dinning room. Our father was sitting at the table with his laptop open papers surrounding him.

"Hi dad" Sarah lets out making him look up smiling at us. Sarah lets go of my hand walking over to him making me confused as I watch her lean down and whisper something in his ear.

"Really?" He lets out lowly making me gulp looking down at my shoes. "My sweet girl come here" my head went up nervously as I slowly made my way over to him. He smiled at me softly grabbing my hand.

"Y-Yes dad?" I ask.

"The talent show huh. That sounds pretty fun. I'll take care of it don't worry" he let out and without another word he got up and left.

"Why did you do that? I told you it was ok" I say slightly annoyed looking at my older sister.

"Because this world is stupid now come"


"So wait" Corey starts confused. I was at school in first period sitting next to my best friend Corey (whos a beta). We've known each other since we were little. "Can he even do that? Like can he really get the school to let you in the talent show?" I shrug itching under my collar.

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