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Sabrina POV

I woke up and I could instantly feel it. My stomach was hurting and it made me whine curling up in a ball on my bed. My heat had started I hated when this happened. My desire to submit grew when it was present. My need to please and be praised for doing things. I hate how it makes me feel. I hate how I get all quiet and soft.

I heard my door open slowly. I knew everyone in the house could already smell that I had started. The soft pattern of footsteps making me whine my head tilting back.

"Oh honey" Shannon breathed out "you need to get ready can you do that for me?" I could I wanted to. I wanted to make her happy and do it and I hated how strongly I wanted to please her. Not in any sexual way because she was my sister and that was disgusting just in a "I need to make you happy I need to do what you say. I want to do what you say" kind of way.

"Y-Yes I can" I stutter out sitting up and groaning in pain from the cramps in my stomach.

"I'll go and get you something for the pain start getting ready" I nodded at Shannon's words. She leaned down kissing my forehead softly before leaving closing my door. I groaned as I got up. I wasn't going to need to take a shower considering I took one last night.

I walked over to my dresser and pulled out the clothes I needed before changing into them. Picking up my hairbrush and brushing my hair in the mirror. I heard the door open when I was finishing my hair looking behind me seeing Shannon walk in with two pills and a glass of water.

"T-thank you" I say grabbing it and quickly swallowing the pills with some water.

"You got dressed good job wheres your collar?" She asks looking around seeing it on my nightstand. She picks it up walking over to me brushing my hair out of the way and clasping it around my neck. "Sarah left some time last night to go to Peyton's her heat started to..." Shannon says trailing off.

"Will she be at school" I ask quietly. Shannon walks around me her hands going up to my collar to straighten it a little more so the metal piece is in the middle.

"She should know I'm gonna have to mark you again" she lets out softly causing me to gulp. This was the thing I hated the most. (And the one reason I also wanted maybe...someone to claim me.)

My sister's started to mark me after my first heat. It was terrible so many people had tried to do...things. Everyone came to the conclusion that it was best if I was marked whenever I was on heat. An omega in heat made alphas go crazy. It was like a switch or something went off in there head but if they were marked it was known not to. Not to touch them or try anything with them they were already someone's.

I tilted my head back for her feeling her fingers trail across my neck as she took s deep breath. "I'm sorry" she mumbles as she goes down rubbing her cheek up against my neck my eyes squeezed shut tighter when I felt her turn her head. Her lips brushing against my skin before she bit down.


"How are you doing?" Ceci asks when she walks in for our third period I shrug.

"Fine" I say. Which I was fine I guess. I just actually really wanted lunch to start. I just wanted someone to help me. I needed someone to help me. I also just wanted out of classes with Peyton. He kept staring at me in class and it made me super uncomfortable. I didn't like it at all and I wished so much he'd just stop.

"I'm sorry Corey's not here to help" I would have gone to him right away but sadly he was out sick.

I hated the feeling I was feeling. The feeling of wanting to submit. The feeling of wanting to let my throat open to someone let them have me. God I wanted it bad. My heat was so bad this time and I didn't know why. I couldn't even stop the purring once it started. The noise helping me calm down a little bit still not enough as I laid my head down on the cold desk. Sighing at the feeling of the coolness against my skin.

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