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Sabrina POV

Missy's house wasn't what I thought it would be. It was actually kind a medium house a little smaller than mine. Her bedroom was a mix of pink and purple the walls having some posters on them. A vanity and a dresser with makeup and magazines thrown out over them.

"Sorry about the mess" she let out moving some stuff off her bed for me to sit down on. "My room is always a mess"

"It's ok I don't care" I say truthfully thinking about how my sisters rooms are always a mess. Mine surprisingly really wasn't. It was well kept I guess unless I decided to make a nest on my bed like I did last time then it would look like a hurricane went through my room from me looking for things.

"Oh also my cousin she's uh staying with us she's an alpha so if you run into her or anything" she says making me nod biting on my lip. It wouldn't be to smart of me to get an alpha scent on me from being here. My sisters would go crazy about it how I lied to them but technically...I didn't lie this time.

"So u-uh What are we starting with?" I ask as she brings out her laptop sitting down next to me on her bed as she opens it.

"Well I was thinking about what we were doing before and decided to do it a different way. So I wrote down alpha beta omega and we can add in points of things. It seemed easier" I nodded my head scooting closer to see as she typed away. She typed in what we've talked about before then look over at me. Our faces were a lot closer than I thought they would be and I think it surprised the both of us. "U-uh so what's being an omega like?" She asks.

"Scary I guess if that makes sense" I let out looking down.

"Why? What do you have to be afraid of?" Missy asks me softly making me shrug.

"Ever since I've h-had this around my neck I'm treated differently" I say shrugging looking up "life stopped being about toys and cartoons and went into worrying about why that person was looking at me. Because most times it's because they want something...well me"

"God I couldn't imagine that. I mean I have people come up to me ya but for just sounds so different" she lets out "has someone...walked up to you and just said kneel?" She asks softly.

Someone has before. It was when I was younger and had first started presenting and first got my collar. I didn't really understand it or anything. I was at school and there was this older group of kids talking and giggling. They had glanced over at me and one of them ended up walking over. They were an alpha I knew by the ring on there finger.

"A girl she u-uh came up to me at recess and her friends were behind her giggling and laughing. She just said kneel and I fell to the ground. I-I don't like it. I can't control it. I wish I could but it l-like that word just clicks something in my head and I fall. She went to go and touch my face or something I'm not sure my sister came rushing up after to me punched the girl right in the face" that was one of the first times I've ever experienced something like that. And I wish I could say it stopped but it didn't. It never did. "M-my sisters decided after it kept happening whenever I was on my heat they'd mark me so people would stay away"

"A lot of people see omega as weak but there not...your so strong. You know that right?" She asks setting her hand on my knee. "You deal with so much but you don't go off on people I mean I definitely would"

"People are scary especially Alphas" I says making her nod.

"Hey maybe that's a point. Alphas are scary but not all of them are. I've met some good ones" she says making me smile a little.

"I'm still trying to figure out the pint of this project" I say making her raise an eyebrow at me.

"What do you mean?" She asks curiously.

"It's just...I don't know maybe it's because of society but Alphas are on top. That's how it's always been for me. I mean I've just been the omega. The weak omega so this project is just confusing me a little"

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