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Sabrina POV

I didn't even think about it when I grabbed the jacket this morning and put it on. My sisters didn't say anything I'm not sure if that's because they didn't think much of it or they did. But as soon as I walked into school and had all the eyes on me a little more then usual I realized I was wearing doves jacket.

The one that has her signature designer on the back that she got professionally made for her. The one that even Sofia has worn a couple times because well she was doves girlfriend. But me wearing it that said something. That said I was hers. That I was apart of her. It's like when a football player gives his girlfriend his jacket to make it an official thing.

"Make it stop" I groan my head laid down on my desk.

"Just take it off" Amir says making me roll my eyes.

"She doesn't want to the scent is helping her stay calm" I hear Ceci whisper sighing. It was helping me though. My minds been a mess and I guess I just needed something and didn't even think about what I was doing.

"What if you have dove back her jacket and took your sisters" Corey suggest making me look at him nodding a little.

"That could work" I mumble a little "bit I don't see them till lunch" lunch wasn't that far away but it was still far away enough.

"It's just a jacket ok you know it's just a jacket who cares what they think" Amir says trying to help with a slight smile on his face.

"Hey Sabrina" a voice says making me look up and I'm a little surprised seeing Rowan standing next to missy.

"H-hi" I stutter out my eyes going back and forth on the two girls watching as missy sits down and Rowan goes up to the desk.

Peyton was transferred Rowan is probably taking his place. Which means she'll be in my class. Oh my god she's gonna be in my class.

"Why does it look like Sabrina's having a gay panic attack?" Corey lets out confused.

"I think she is" Amir says laughing making me snap out glaring at the both.

"Shut up" I half whine crossing my arms and looking forward waiting for the class to start.

"So how are you and missy doing?" Ceci asks making me shrug.

"I haven't talked to her" I let out.

"Are you gonna tell her we kissed" she says making me blush.

"I'm sorry you what!" Amir and Corey both let out.

"Oh ya it was great! I didn't even really try that hard to dominate her" Ceci says smirking making me blush even more groaning my head falling on my desk.

"Her sisters are gonna kill you" Amir laugh a little.

"Well her sisters don't kill me" Corey says which was true.

"I'm an omega I don't think they'd mind" Ceci says right as the bell rings for the last time.

"Ok class as you can see we have a new student. Since Mr.Meyer has transferred out of our class Ms.Blanchard will take his place" Mrs.Johnson says smiling "would you like to introduce yourself?" She asks looking at Rowan who was standing awkwardly next to the desk.

"My names Rowan I'm uh 16" she says shyly making my heart melt seeing the girl acting this cute.

"You can go sit down next to missy now" Rowan nodded walking over to her cousin and sitting down. "Alright class I want you to continue working on your project. Please actually pay attention to this project it is very important. Oh and Sabrina and missy since your partner is gone Rowan will be taking his place" and with that the class started moving again.

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