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Sabrina POV

The light tapping on my window made me get up opening it. Ceci falling through the window with a slight thud. "Ow that hurt" she groaned but I didn't really feel like talking to her. I felt...sad alone I don't know. A part of me felt like I deserved it. I mean I was being punished I was locked in my room.

"You didn't come to school today" I hear her say as I lay down in the middle of my bed with everyone's things surrounding me. "it got around school pretty fast of what happened....I don't think that girl will be walking for awhile"

"I-it was my fault not hers" I mumble pulling the blanket up and over my body sighing. It was my fault I thought over the situation multiple times. It was my fault I said yes. I should have just told her no right away but I didn't. I didn't because my stupid mind was so clouded from being on my heat.

"It wasn't your fault Sabrina" she breathed out I could feel her getting on the bed behind me. "What happened talk to me please" she let out a little beggingly making me gulp. I hated that a part of me just wanted to tell her to please her and make her happy but in reality I didn't want to tell her or talk to her about it. I brought my hand up to my neck trailing my fingers across the sore area. "Can I look?" She asked softly gently putting her hand on my arm.

I sat up in my bed turning around slowly with my eyes closed for her to look. I knew it was bad. "Oh my god sabrina who-who did this" Ceci asked shocked her fingers going up to my neck trailing over all of the marks that were left. "Was it the girl?"

"N-no my sisters did t-they wanted to cover her mark and make a point" I mumble opening my eyes to look at Ceci.

"Sabrina this isn't ok. This is going way past then just marking you once so no one hurt you. Your neck is literally covered" she breathed out her voice shaking a little.

"I'm fine I-I'm ok Ceci I am. They-" I start but she quickly cuts me off.

"Don't you dare tell me it was to protect you they didn't have to do this. God if I wasn't an omega I'd show them" She grumbles making me grab her hands topping her.

"Ceci I am ok my sisters o-or family would never hurt me. This was my f-fault ok I shouldn't have done what I did. I-I wanted that girl as much as she wanted me..." I say trailing off letting go of her hands and getting up to my bed walking to my mirror.

Ceci was right though my neck was covered. My sisters wanted to cover what the girl had done. Make sure you couldn't see it. They wanted to make sure everyone knew I was there's...including making sure I knew it. My sisters love me they'd never do anything to hurt me they just wanted to protect me. Protect me and make sure I was safe and that no one hurt me.

"You were in your heat Sabrina you couldn't handle being around Alphas well someone was literally fucking in a bathroom" She let out making me cringe. "I'm surprised you made it as far as you did. That must have been torture for you to have to sit there" I watched in the mirror as she got up walking over to me.

"Ya well...I should be able t-to control it" I say quietly but I knew she was able to hear me. I looked down at my feet thinking about yesterday. It made my head hurt just to think about it. It made my heart hurt thinking about what my father said. "I-I'm just a weak pathetic omega" I breathed out shakily feeling tears start to come to my eyes. "A-And I deserve to be punished not o-only for disobeying my sisters but for disobeying d-dove and Sofia"

"No that's wrong! Why can't you understand that Sabrina. You do not deserve to be punished and locked in your room. Don't think that I didn't notice your doors locked from the outside" she let out angrily. I turned around quickly my eyes were full of tears.

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