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Sabrina POV

We pulled up to doves house. It was exactly like o remembered from Times I've gone over except now it had teens all over music blaring loudly from the inside. "Are you ready?" Corey asks as he turns the car off.

"as ready a-as we can be" I mumble to myself ceci taking my hand as we got out of the car.

"alright everyone needs to be carful especially you two" Amir lets out looking at me and ceci.

"We will don't worry if anyone sees someone at Sabrina's table especially her sisters text the group chat where do we can avoid" the group nodded agreeing at that as they all looked on at the house.

"Well...I guess we go in now" Corey says making Amir snort a little starting to walk ahead causing us to walk closely behind him.

"W-What is someone tells them?" I say looking at ceci she squeezing my hand a little.

"Your sisters won't believe them don't worry you'll be ok" we walked up and past people. I could feel the stares as we entered the house. There was so much people in head the music a lot louder now. I could smell alcohol very strongly from it being everywhere.

"Come on cor lets get drinks for the ladies" Amir says making ceci roll her eyes.

"Don't drink Corey" she yells after him as they walk away before turning to me. "We probably won't see those idiots until later. I won't be surprised if we all have to leave Corey's car here and take an Uber"

My eyes shifted around the roo cringing at all the teens dancing in doves living room. Alcohol went over everyone's scent you wouldn't be able to tell what they were if they didn't have a bracelet ring or collar on.

Ceci pulled on my hand making us start to walk forward adventuring into the house all the noises making my eyes go everywhere. I was kinda paranoid about seeing someone and I hoped to dear god I didn't.


I had lost ceci awhile ago. After we went and got drinks she ran into someone and they started talking....once they started to make out I felt very weird if I just stood there so I walked away. My heart was beating so fast and I was nervous. I felt alone in a sea of people it was weird. I've always had someone right next to me watching me and now I didn't.

"Hey!" I hear making me jump spinning around seeing a drink teen

"H-hi" I stutter out nervously as he eyes me.

"Your" he starts pointing his drink towards me "the carpenter omega dove claimed you didn't she?" He asks making me gulp.

"I-i am but-" he cut me off.

"I bet she does you good" he starts making me cringe looking around me for a way out as I slowly start to back up. "Does she let her beta touch you fuck that'd be so hot"

"I-I'm sorry but I-i have to go" I say turning around and quickly run through the crowd the boy yelling after me. I spotted a door that I knew led to the basement no one would be down there.

I quickly opened it and went down my breathing was harsh as I tried to calm myself. I never should have come to this stupid part. "I'm such an idiot!" I groan out setting my cup that was half dranken on a little table next to a washer.

"Why couldn't ceci stay with me" I mumble rubbing my forehead glancing at the basement door that was up the stairs. I didn't want to go back my head was hurting a little and there was no way After what just happened I'd risk going up there.

I knew I'd have to leave at some point but now was not that time. I'd just wait till I felt a little more sober (which considering she hasn't really dranken before would probably be a lot longer then she thought it would) then I'd go upstairs and run out.

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