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Sabrina POV

Caylas bedroom has quickly also turned into my room after a couple days. My sisters had brought over more of my stuff and from what I know our mom kicked our dad out of the house which he wasn't happy about.

But they all decided I should stay here. I wasn't sure if that meant for awhile or for forever. I knew they loved me but a part of me felt like I had done something wrong.

That I was bad and that's why I was here and not there. My sisters have been trying to keep there distance. Cayla says it's because they feel bad for things they've done and they want to give me space. That and they need to think over some things.

I haven't been to school in awhile. Just this room. My eyes scanned over the room. It didn't feel like home. It didn't feel like my room. Some of my stuff was here scattered around but it wasn't mine.

My room was at our house with all my things and Goodwin and my sisters and mom. But...they didn't want me there.

I groaned shaking my head trying to get rid of that thought. My friends should be coming over after school today. Them dove and Sofia are the only people I've really talked to out of everyone.

Joeys texted me a couple times. Missy has tried to call me. Amandla blew up my phone till I texted her back saying I was alive.

A soft knock on the door made me look up as it opened seeing Cayla poke her head into the room. "Hey I have to go to work you'll be ok till your friends get here right?" She asks making me nod.

"Y-ya I will" I say she smiles at me walking over to the bed kissing my head.

"Alright bug be good" She let out before leaving the room making me smile a little. Cayla deserved a lot better. She always made me feel good and happy. She didn't even have to do anything it's like it just came off of her.

I sighed falling backwards into the bed. It would be awhile till they got here. Probably not to long but still awhile.

I wondered how diffrent things would be if I never had sex with Rowan. If I never madeout with that girl in the hallway. If I just stayed the good omega I was supposed to be.

None of this would have happened. My friends wouldn't think my sisters hurt me. My dad wouldn't have to punish me for what I've done.

I mean did I even deserve this collar around my neck? They gave it back but did I really deserve it. My fingers brushed against the metal part of it. I closed my eyes holding it. I didn't feel like I deserved to have this.

I mean I didn't feel like I deserved anything. I felt like dove and Sofia shouldn't have forgiven me. I felt like they should have been mad at me especially dove for what I said.

I've been disobeying my sisters and my father for the longest time. So really why did I deserve anything. Why did I deserve this around my neck when all I've done is messed things up.

I could feel the tears well in my eyes as I punched my hair to the side letting my fingers go to the class of the collar. I took a deep breath the clink sending a chilling feeling throughout me. I didn't deserve it.

I took it off and crawled over to the bedside. Opening the drawer on the nightstand and putting my collar inside of it.

I bit my lip trying to hold back the rest of my tears as I curled into a ball bringing the blanket up over me. I closed my eyes and tried my best to fall back asleep trying not to let my tears fall.


"Sabrina...Sabrina wake up" I whined at the sound holding a familiar scent closer to my face. It almost made me pure.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2020 ⏰

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