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Sabrina POV

I woke up turning onto my back and wincing in pain from the feeling. My stomach was growling because I was hungry. I opened my eyes and came face to face with a blanket over my head making my eyebrows furrow.

I don't remember going to my bed last night...I stayed at the door waiting hoping someone would come and get me but no one ever did. Maybe that proves my sisters were actually mad at me.

But this didn't smell like my bed. Confused I sit up the blanket falling down as I look around the room. It was caylas bedroom. Clothes were sprawled out around the floor and her dresser had pictures of us and her boyfriend.

How did I get here? I don't remember coming here...did they not want me anymore so they dropped me off here. I don't think I was bad enough to deserve that but he did take away my collar.

"C-Cayla" I let out confused not moving off the bed. I heard foot steps coming towards her door. It opened making me even more confused seeing my other sisters and slightly nervous of what was gonna happen next.

"Caylas with mom and dad right now...but uh...we need to talk" Shannon starts walking forward towards the bed. I stayed frozen in my spot watching them carefully. Sarah shut the door and they both sat down at the edge of the bed.

"I-I'm Sorry" I say right away pulling my knees up to my chest. They both look at each other with this look I really didn't understand.

"No...were sorry. You've done nothing wrong and...what dad has done...and what even we have done to you it's" Sarah looked at Shannon who grabbed her hand squeezing it.

"Abusive...and it's bad and you don't deserve it. Joey told were scared of someone at home" Shannon says making my eyes widen. She said she wouldn't tell them. She lied to me how could she do that to me.

"I-I'm not scared of anyone I-I promise I'm sorry for what I did t-these past weeks and for yesterday" I let out I scoot forward towards the two of them taking there hands into mine. "Please...I-I'm Sorry"

They both pulled there hands away from mine making my heart shatter. They hated me they had to.

"Sabrina your not in trouble..." Sarah trails off "Cayla told mom what dad did you'll be staying here for the time being. We haven't gotten much of an update but moms upset"

"At-at me?" I ask quietly making them both shake there heads no.

"No of course not at you. How many times do we have to tell you that your not in trouble for you to believe it" Shannon let out taking my hand again. I looked away from her. They kept saying I wasn't but I was ruining a lot wasn't I.

I was so pathetic and such a disgrace I was tearing this family apart. I shouldn't be like this. How was I even live this.

"We have something for you" Sarah says making me look up with watery eyes. She smiled at me a little pulling something out of her pocket making me gasp when I see it.

"I-I can have it b-back?" I ask speechless making them both nod.

"Turn around" She let out making me turn around instantly. Sarah pushes my hair out of the way and puts it in clasping it around my neck.

This reminded me of a couple weeks ago when she asked me if I wanted to do the talent show. I think...that was the last time our dad was really nice to me. Where he didn't say something mean or hurt me in some way.

My hand went up to the collar holding the part where our name was engraved onto it. I didn't deserve this. But the warmth I felt having it back. It was so stupid. The world really made something worthless hold so much meaning to it. And that meaning is just used against people....

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