Chapter 1- Emerald Green

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Where did it all start, my crazy bizarre adventure?

Miss Kagimoto had just let out her history class, and we were on our way to lunch. I put my school supplies in my locker and grabbed my bento. After closing my locker, I began making my way towards the main stairwell which led up to the roof.

I trudged up the stairs to get to my favourite spot before anyone could steal it. As I opened the door to the roof, a wave of fresh air hit my face. I didn't have to breathe the horrible air that's been touched by my fellow peers.

I walked the farthest away I could from the door, so I wouldn't be disturbed. I sat on the ledge, my feet dangling from the edge. I ripped into my bento, wanting to start eating right away.

As I was enjoying the peace and quiet of the nice day, the sound of swooning girls got closer and closer.

I turned my head towards the door, to see what was going on. The door swung open to reveal a tall man, dressed in black everything. Following him was a group of girls.

"Oh JoJo, can I walk you home today?" one girl asked.

"JoJo, pay attention to me! Not her!" another girl squealed.

They kept clamouring around the tall male, bombarding him with high pitched comments. His fists were clenched as he grit his teeth together. He quickly spun around to face the group of girls.

"Yakamashi! You bitches are annoying, go the fuck away!" he hissed loudly.

There was silence for a moment, the girls didn't know what to do with themselves. Then the girls collectively sighed dreamily.

"Oh JoJo, you're so sweet!"

"That was meant for me!"

"Huh?! No it wasn't!"

The girls all bickered as they made their way down the stairs.

The tall man sighed and pulled his hat down. He plonked himself down on the floor, and leaned his back against the wall.

So, this was the infamous Jotaro Kujo. I've heard so much about him, yet I've never seen him. A fellow delinquent who doesn't give two shits about anyone.

I quietly watched as he unwrapped what looked to be a bandage around his leg. The bandage was dark with blood.

I narrowed my eyes at him as he touched his wound with his fingers. He hissed in pain as his fingers made contact with the cut. Stupid boy.

I got up and threw my recyclable bento container in the garbage can. I began walking towards where the Kujo boy was sitting. He must've heard my footsteps, since his head popped up in my direction. I stopped right infront of him.

"Y'know, you should stop poking at your cut and go to the nurse, dumbass," I sneered at him.

I stuffed my hands in my baggy pants, waiting for an answer from him.

"I don't need your help, bitch," he responded dryly.

"Clearly you do," I shot back, "It's still bleeding, and you're poking at it with your bare fingers. You'll infect it if you keep poking at it."

I took my hand out of my pocket and held it out to him, signalling to take it so I could help him get up. He eyed me for a moment, but took my hand and hauled himself up, him mostly doing all the work since he was so muscular.

I took the bandage looking cloth out of his hand, and bent down to wrap his leg. I made sure to tie it tight enough so it wouldnt fall off, but not too tight so he wouldn't lose circulation. I stood back up and looked Jotaro in eye.

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