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When Ethan wakes up, he's dreadfully confused.

He doesn't remember much of anything - it's as though he blacked out the last couple of hours, his last memory being him sending Y/N off to bed and promising to join her shortly before he went to clean up yet another deceased body. After that, nothing. The next thing he knows, he's pulling him off the living room floor in a daze, looking around to see if he could recognize something out of place that would trigger his recollection.

The first thing he notices is the ominous silence in the house. Usually, when Y/N's out of his sight, he could still hear her soft footsteps lurking somewhere about the house, but now it seemed as though she wasn't home at all. Ethan stumbles a few feet ahead of himself, squeezing his eyes shut so he could envision her current location. Strangely, his mind is too fuzzy and aching for him to think, and he cannot seem to pinpoint a spot where she could be. He groans in frustration, glancing out the window to look into the dark sky. Where the hell could she be at this time of night?

"Grayson?" the demon calls out, remembering his trusting brother. He looks around and doesn't seem to find his twin anywhere, perplexing him even further. "Grayson! Are you here?"

He seemed to be missing, too.

Ethan frantically searched about the house, finding neither of the residents which only increased his panic. His foggy thoughts refused to let him detect where she was, and he momentarily wondered if she and Grayson were together somewhere. But why would they be, especially without telling him? And why the fuck couldn't he remember anything?

Just when he was getting ready to flee from the house, he felt a familiar hand on his shoulder and turned to expect the sight of his brother, but instead was met with his very own Father, appearing irritated as ever. "I'm afraid we have a problem, son."

Ethan sighed. "I can tell. I cannot find Y/N, nor Grayson, and I can't even recall the past four and a half hours. I woke up lying on the floor, my head blank. Do you know what's going on, Father?"

"As a matter of fact I do, Ethan," Lucifer sighed. "It appears as though that angelic twin of yours devised a scheme with Him and kidnapped your Dark Soulmate. They took her to some abandoned church deep into the woods far from here, in hopes of getting her away from you."

"What?" Ethan spoke in disbelief, narrowing his eyes in dark slits. "No, that cannot be. Grayson proved his loyalty to me, he killed an attacker that broke in last night-"

"Sent by God, Ethan!" Lucifer belted, angered. "Our Enemy is so desperate it getting pure Y/N away from you that He even allowed His own angel - your brother - to kill an attacker He created in order to dissolve your suspicion. Grayson was sent here to rescue Y/N."

Fury instantly fueled in the demon's veins, and he frustratingly swung his fist through the wall, barely flinching. He was too overwhelmed with the idea of being undermined yet again by Him, and his own damn twin brother. His Y/N was gone again and he had no idea how he let her slip through his fingers, or how Grayson managed to prevent him from stopping him.

"What the fuck!" he spat, running a hand through his hair. "How the fuck did I let this happen? Where the fuck was I when it happened?"

"Allow me to refresh your memory."

Suddenly his Father's hand was pushed onto his forehead, his mind instantly emerging through a window of time about a few hours back.

Y/N had just went upstairs, and Ethan walked over to the dead robber, kicking at his leg. He smiled, and turned to Grayson, "No one fucks with the Dolans, huh?"

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