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"Angel, breathe. You're okay, you're safe."

Y/N gasps, a flood of water escaping her lungs and dribbling down her chin and onto her chest as she sits right up, coughing profusely. She feels a warm hand swat gently across her back, helping her airways open up and fill with much needed oxygen. She opens her eyes and is met with the heavenly face of Ethan, who is hovering over her with an expression of deep concern as he traces her bare arms up and down softly. Instant relief fills her and she throws herself on top of him, wrapping her arms firmly around his neck before starting to cry into his shoulder.

"Oh, Ethan!" she bellowed, as he wraps his own arms around her shaking body and pulls her further into him. "E-Ethan..."

"It's okay baby, I'm here," he whispers soothingly, pressing a warm kiss to her damp cheek. "No one's going to hurt you. I've got you."

Y/N pulls away slightly, her limbs still trembling as she looks around worriedly, his angel twin oddly nowhere in sight when she could have sworn that she saw him before she nearly drowned. "W-What happened to Grayson?"

"The bastard left and ascended to Heaven when he realized he was the reason you fell in the river and almost died," Ethan spoke angrily, eyes going dark. "I was fortunate enough to save you. Fuck, I really don't know what I would have done if I had lost you."

"You'd probably would have killed Grayson," she joked weakly, though knowing it was the exact truth.

He chuckled, nodding his head, "Yes, you're right. You know me all too well. Now, let's go home, where we're safest."

He helped guide her body upwards in a stance, feet wobbling in front of her as she tried to walk. She swung an arm around his shoulders and his were around her waist, and she wasn't sure how much longer she'd be able to carry herself as they tread through the woods. At least it was still daylight out, all things considered. Y/N felt her bones begin to crack and ache with every extra step she took, too exhausted to move another muscle as she eventually came crashing down to Ethan's side, which quickly caught her before she tumbled to the ground.

"Oh angel, I got you," he cooed into her ear, lifting her body up in his arms so she wouldn't have to take an extra step. "We'll get out of here soon, I promise."

She simply stared at the trees as they walked on by, which soon began to grow disperse as they walked past the church she was held captive in. She shuddered at the sight, and instinctively the demon held her closer, but eventually they approached a silver Nissan Ultima that she doesn't quite remember from before.

"Where'd you get this car?" she questioned as he settled her into the passenger seat, assuring her safety in the seatbelt buckle.

Ethan smirked. "It's a loan from Father, who helped me get to you in the first place."

In exchange for a few favors, but he won't mention anything about that.

It was only a few hours, but it felt like years had passed when they finally pulled up to their beloved home that she missed oh so much. Ethan hopped out of the car and quickly went to her side, making sure she was stable enough to walk a little bit on her own. As he led her up to the front door, Y/N glanced behind her shoulder and her eyes went wide at the sight of the silver car gifted by Lucifer disappear into thin air. Well, Ethan was certainly right about it being a loan.

"C'mon angel, let's get you all cleaned up and then into bed," he tells her, leaning in to press a kiss to the top of her nose.

Ethan helped her up the stairs and pulled her into the bathroom, ridding her of her filthy clothes and inching her into the warm, soothing water of the bath. He murmured for her to remain still as he grabbed a sponge, covered it in soap, and lifted her bare leg up, guiding the slightly rough material under her thigh and down her leg. Y/N closed her eyes in response; she fucking missed his touch so bad. It's what she craved the entire time she's been held in that small, miserable room.

Seriously, she could have moaned when he inched his slippery wet fingers dangerously close to her core, but pulled away at the last second, as though intentionally teasing her. He instead grabbed the sponge and now planted it on her chest, rubbing it around in smooth circles and grazing just slightly over the nipples of her breasts, which hardened at the feeling of the cold air wafting into the bathroom. When Ethan's done with cleansing her body, he grabs the bottle of shampoo and pumps out the liquid, massaging the content into her scalp and slowly into the rest of her hair. Y/N just simply sighed at the touch, which wasn't too tough nor too soft - just perfect. She swore that he bathes her better than she does to herself - and if that's the case, she's more than willing for this to be a regular thing.

It's honestly not just the touch itself that sent a burst of affections for him throughout her. It's the craving she had of it when she was deprived, how she missed the way he treated her so kindly like she was the most beautiful woman on Earth. How he never failed to pleasure her with just his hands, and his lips as well which were also soft against her skin. She loved it best when he ran his fingers under her cheekbones, his eyes boring into hers and although he wasn't communicating with her verbally, she could just hear it in her mind how much he truly adored her. Well, there's a permanent reminder of that etched into the skin of her inner thigh, his initials which she constantly traced when she was away from him. Damn, that time apart was worse than Hell. She doesn't know what it is about Ethan Dolan that she cannot bear to be without, but she has already forgotten the feeling of what life was like before him. He made her happy, he made her safe, he made her loved... Is that what it is about demons like him? That make them incredibly charming? Whatever it is, she's his forever. And she's not afraid to let him know.

"I love you, Ethan."

Time seemed to stand still, after her sudden declaration. She knows that it was spoken without much hesitation, but she meant them. She really did. Call her an idiot or whatever because he's a murderous, blood-thirsty demon who does nothing but kill, but her heart belongs to him (figuratively, of course). He already expressed his love for her, so there's no doubt about that, but she also knows he's been waiting to hear these three little words from her for quite some time now.

When Y/N nervously glances up to check his reaction, she almost bursts out laughing at his gaped lips and bright eyes staring down at her. Ethan slowly sets the sponge down, mentally interpreting her words. Did she even say them? Were they just spoken in her head? Even if they were, he'd still hear them, being that he's in her mind now apparently.

Then, he quick and unexpected movement, Ethan throws himself in the bathtub, thrashing around above her naked body before grabbing her face and pulling her in for a long, heated kiss. He pulls away and asks hotly, lips still close to hers, "Do you mean that? Do you really mean that?"

He was frantic, but she understood. "Yes, I do. I really do."

"Then say it again."

"I love you," Y/N repeated, moaning softly when his hands gripped her thighs underneath the surface of water, close to her center. "Yes Ethan, I fucking love you... I'm in love with you."

"Oh Y/N, I love you," he replied, grabbing at her face again. "More than anything."

He attached their lips together as he unbuckled the belt of his damp, soaked pants, pulling out his hard cock. He pulled away from her so that he could make sure he lined up with her entrance properly, then entered the heavenly walls of her pussy. Y/N moaned and gripped at his back, scratching at his skin as he pounded into her slowly against the bathtub. Water splashed around them but neither seemed to care, too caught up in each other's bodies.

"Fuck, Ethan, I missed you," Y/N cried out, throwing her head back in pleasure at the feeling of his hips rocking against hers. "I-I missed you... thought I'd... never see you... again."

"Oh baby, I missed you too. But don't worry," Ethan breathed out, cock twitching inside her heat as his movements began to get sloppy. "You won't be going anywhere. I'll keep you safe, I promise."

That statement should have concerned her, but honestly at this point she really didn't give a shit; all she knew was that she loved him and that he was making her feel too damn good. However, from the opposite side of the world, where angels lurked about, a sullen Grayson slumped at his desk and looked away from the sight of his demonic twin yet again stealing the purity away from sweet Y/N. She did it. She told him she loved him, which now meant that he had very little time to save her now, because next month on a lovely Friday evening will be a full moon, where they will wed.

And he will kill her.

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