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One week, a wake and funeral filled with awkward tension amongst her withdrawn family members, Y/N is slowly gathering the little sanity that is left inside her and is starting to accept what her life has become.

Sometimes she feels like a fugitive; technically she is in the eyes of her ex-lover, who she hopes to never see again... though, as horrible as it is, a strange part of her misses him. Perhaps it's the natural occurrence of the guidelines of a Dark Soulmate that makes her long for him, as she once had before whenever they were apart. She hopes to get over it soon, because she had absolutely no intentions of returning to that dreadful house that demon lurks in. After what he's done, there's no returning to that.

Unless it was all a huge misunderstanding.

"You're thinking about him, aren't you?" Grayson questions with a raised eyebrow, stepping into the guest bedroom of her childhood home. She couldn't bring herself to continue sleeping in her own bedroom, given what had taken place weeks prior. She also didn't dare want to spend her nights in her parents', as it'd be too weird and painful to do so. As a matter of fact, the entire house was a bit too insufferable for her to be in, but it's not like she could leave. It was a much better option compared to her last residence.

"I'm trying not to," Y/N sighed, pressing her palms up to her face as the angel sat down beside her. "God, I just wish I was normal - or rather, that my life was normal."

Grayson chuckled at her words, wrapping an arm around her shoulder. "It's obviously going to take time for all of this to blow over. A lot of time. But there's going to be a day where you won't think about him anymore, and that you'll finally be happy on your own."

She leans up against him, huffing out, "It doesn't feel that way right now. Even miles away from him, I still feel trapped... like he's still nearby, somehow."

The angel stiffened a little to her confusion, but she ignores the suspicious behavior as he suggests, "So, do you want to get out of here?"


"You know... sell the house, move out of the state... maybe to a cozy little town in Florida, and start a brand new life out there?" He nervously runs a hand through his hair. "We could even leave the country too... Move to England? Australia? Wherever you want to go, I'll go with you."

Y/N remains quiet, comprehending his words. Moving away and starting life fresh in a different place was probably something she needed and that she should do... but for some reason, the actual thought of doing it fills some type of discomforting hole in her chest. Her conflicted feelings were very overwhelming, especially lately over him. She hates him right now, but at the same time, she also loves him so much and that's the true struggle. It makes her feel guilty, containing such romantic feelings for someone who did horrible things not only as a demon, but in his past life as well. He doesn't have a soul, nor a self-conscious. Did he even love her, or just the idea of her? Ever since that nightmarish night, she couldn't help but think over everything that ever happened between them. She has to remind herself that he was planning to kill her after they got married, and he hadn't even the courtesy to feel bad about it. He only felt bad that she found out about it through her snooping. He also possessed her body and murdered Rose without a second thought, invading her own privacy and body autonomy.

Still, after all that shit, there's a little devil on her shoulder that whispers into her ear: "but he did all of that for you. he wanted to kill you to make you immortal with him, so you both could be together forever. which is what you also wanted in the first place."

"For fuck's sake!" Y/N belches out frustratingly, jumping up abruptly from the bed and pacing across the room. She pulled on the strands of her hair violently and scraped her nails harshly against her skin while continuing to scream, "Stop it! Get out! Get out! Get out!"

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