thirteen days.

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┊┊┊ ❁ཻུ۪۪ ━ ❝ ✧

┊┊┊   ❝ aah, you have a

┊┊⋆ great hero quirk, shinsou

⇢˚⋆ ✎ ˎˊ-  thirteen days left to live

⁺       ˚ .  *     ✦     .      ⁺   .      ⁺

"GOOD MORNING CUTE PURPLE SLEEPY HEAD!" y/n had practically skipped into the classroom, twirling excitedly as she sat down next to her new purple friend- who was standing up.

the bell had just rang, signifying lunch.

"eh, you're a little late." the purple insomniac replied, a yawn falling from his lips shortly after. y/n stood up and walked by his side. shinsou frowned, looking at the girl curiously. "how do you do that?"

y/n was the one frowning now. she backed up from the boy's intense stare and laughed a little to ease the tension. "eh, do what?"

"you haven't slept." shinsou declared. "you have bags, your face is flushed and puffy. but you're so cheerful, like you've had days of good sleep. i couldn't pretend even if i wanted to."

y/n smiled to herself, "i made a friend." she smiled up at the boy. "life is short, shinsou. celebrate the small victories."

"oh..." he suddenly felt like a bit of an ass for not being as excited as y/n about becoming her friend. truthfully, he was. he just didn't express it the same way.

"also, i drank two large coffees this morning and now i really have to pee! come with me, i dont wanna go alone!!"

"what- no. i didn't sign up for this, l/n-!"
y/n dragged him along, despite his protests.


"im not hungry."

y/n shrugged, taking shinsou's plate and placing it in front of her, "suit yourself!"

"hey l/n, you ever thought about moving up to one of the hero courses?" shinsou asked the h/c haired girl who was shoving her face full of food. he raised his brow, slightly disgusted at what he had just witnessed.

y/n didn't seem to notice as she quickly shook her head, "nah," she said with a smile. "my quirk just won't work with me to make that happen aha."

"what is your quirk?"

"my sleep paralysis demon," the girl shuddered in fear. "you see, i used to have these horrible nightmares when i was younger. i would wake up with scratches and stuff- and that's my demon! so i can summon it to take over in a fight. the only problem is it's mean and wants to be in control all the time. so in short, i cant sleep. otherwise, it'll probably get strong enough to take over..." y/n finished her food.

shinsou blinked, "wow. an entire sleep paralysis demon." he said. "that makes sense... i get sleep paralysis and for some reason, my demon looks a lot like you."

y/n gasped, "shinsou!" she exclaimed. "rude!"

the boy only chuckled, refusing to apologize for his joke.

"so what's your quirk?"

"brainwashing." shinsou muttered. "it's not really a quirk fit for being a hero, i know. a lot of people say it's a great villain quirk."

y/n frowned at his words, "hm. it really isn't a great villain quirk, but okay." she shrugged. "what the quirk is, depends on the person using it, y'know? you're a good person who wants to become a hero. that alone, makes you a hero already. so really, you could have any quirk and it would, like, automatically be a great hero quirk, since you have it. only if you wanted to be a villain, would it be a great villain quirk, as it's a good quirk, in the hands of a villain... but you're not a villain. so that's irrelevant. aah, you have a great hero quirk, shinsou!"

the purple haired boy stayed silent for a few seconds, staring down at the table he and y/n sat. he couldn't help the small smile that made its way onto his face at your words.

"nobody's ever told me that before." he said quietly. "i didn't think hearing the words would be so... motivating... thanks."

y/n smiled, putting a hand on his shoulder, "you should tell yourself that more often."

shinsou laughed, "whatever you say... hey, and i'll even give you credit in the future for being my number one supporter."

y/n smiled cheerfully, "hell yeah! i'll be sitting on my couch, watching the screen at twenty, remembering back to-" y/n stopped herself. twenty?

she wouldn't even make it to her next birthday... what was she talking about?

"l/n, you okay?"

y/n nodded, quickly standing up from her seat, "im fine, i think im just gonna go get some air." she told the worried boy.

shinsou stood up too, but didn't walk after her. he shook his head, dropping back into his seat. was it something he said?


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