eight days.

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┊┊┊ ❁ཻུ۪۪ ━ ❝ ✧

┊┊┊   ❝ i can't believe how

┊┊⋆ beautiful she is

⇢˚⋆ ✎ ˎˊ-  eight days left to live

⁺       ˚ .  *     ✦     .      ⁺   .      ⁺

"IM TIRED, HITOSHI." y/n spoke these words slowly, without much energy, as she was constantly slapping her shoulders during lunch. neither her nor hitoshi ate.

"what's up with your quirk?" hitoshi asked, watching the girl flick the claws of the shadowy figure away, tiredly. she looked drained, exhausted. "and im tired too."

"my quirk's being an asshole." y/n pouted, laying her head on the table. "im so tired i just want some fucking sleep, damn it." her voice broke at the end and she lifted her head to gently bang it on the table out of frustration.

hitoshi frowned, letting his chin rest in his hand, his mind searching for a solution. what could he do to help her? he, so desperately, wanted her to smile again. the purple haired insomniac hadn't seen her lips stretch in an expression of joy once all day. and as a result, he hadn't smiled either. he was angry - why couldn't everything just be okay? with that stupid quirk-

shinsou perked up as a thought crossed his mind, "i have an idea," he said quietly. without another word, he took y/n's hand in his large one, pulling her from the table, ignoring her fusses, and dragging her out of the lunch room, quickly.

"hitoshiiiii," the girl mumbled sleepily, barely able to walk properly. "hitoshi seriously, my legs hurt i just wanna rest."

"i know. you will rest." the cute purple sleepyhead said, hopefully.

the two stopped in front of the homeroom of class 1-a, and shinsou knocked on the door gently, then opened it. he poked his head in, and y/n was trying to peer inside the room as well. it was midoriya's class, the boy she met in the halls. what was the hero course's classroom like? and what were they doing?

"aizawa-sensei?" hitoshi spoke. y/n only heard some type of grumbling, but her friend seemed to understand. "i need help with something."

y/n heard the teacher tell hitoshi to "come in," and so the purple haired insomniac pulled y/n inside the classroom and then shut the large door.

"oh, you're the pro hero eraserhead!" y/n bounced on her feet excitedly. "wow!"

the pro hero looked at the bouncing girl, then turned to hitoshi, unimpressed.

"this is y/n, she's in my class, and she has a problem: she needs sleep."

"so do i, but nobody's rescuing me." aizawa yawned.

"she isn't getting any... any at all because of her quirk, you see..."

aizawa studied the girl longer as hitoshi began to explain the situation, though the sleepy teacher knew who she was. the teachers had been informed of the girl and her condition, of course. he didn't need the explaining. he glanced over at shinsou, the boy had no clue she was due for death in a week. aizawa sighed and looked down, grumbling to himself.

"i don't know... maybe just for a minute?" hitoshi finished, and aizawa didn't catch any of that, but already knew what the pair wanted.

"alright." aizawa said shortly.

y/n's eyes widened, "really?" she said in disbelief.

"if you're looking to sleep you have to immediately wake up when i return your quirk," he said tiredly. "sleeping and giving this thing a chance to take over is dangerous and you'd leave sooner than you what's intended, do you understand?" he stared pointedly at the girl, whose eyes widened in realization of what the teacher was saying.

"yes, i understand!"

hitoshi backed up a little, watching as y/n and aizawa faced each other. in and instant everything was happening - aizawa's eyes lit up red and hitoshi saw y/n's eyes shut and her body go limp, falling to the side. he took two steps and caught the girl in his arms, quickly scanning her over, making sure he was okay.

she was still breathing, so she wasn't dead. but was it really happening? he saw no signs of the claws of her quirk anywhere, only the marks those sharp claws had left, which he shifted his eyes from, feeling guilty for staring in the first place for some unknown reason. but other than that...

she was sleeping.

hitoshi carefully sat on the floor of the classroom, his eyes set on the girl whose eyes were peacefully shut, breathing even and calmly, he couldn't stop himself from gently brushing a lock of her h/c hair back, a small smile sitting on his face at the amount of peace she was in at the moment.

aizawa stared, literally unblinkingly, at the ceiling, his head tilted back, silently allowing hitoshi to have his moment, the boy was basking in the glory of the results from his genius plan. but aizawa couldn't help but wonder what would happen after all of it.

once that girl died... how would her friend take it? the sleepy teacher groaned internally, feeling his frustration grow when hitoshi spoke.

"i can't believe how beautiful she is... how beautiful... this is... she's sleeping."


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