zero days.

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┊┊┊ ❁ཻུ۪۪ ━ ❝ ✧

┊┊┊ ❝ go to

┊┊⋆ sleep, y/n

⇢˚⋆ ✎ ˎˊ- time is up.

⁺    ˚ . *     ✦ .  ⁺   .     ⁺

BREATHE. y/n nearly forgot how to do that. she was being suffocated by her own quirk. the claws of something that was supposed to be apart of her tore at every inch of her being, inside and out. she was suffering and she wanted out. her wrapped bandages were a disgusting red, every time she moved she felt the tear of skin stretch and snatch away from each other for another wound. winces and groans fell from her her lips as she wrapped her arms around her stomach, painfully, biting her lip to express how much she was hurting.

she was in so much pain.

she told her parents she wanted a few moments alone with hitoshi to talk to him and let him know of her condition before she passed. she knew it would happen soon, her demon was making that clear.

the girl inhaled weakly, exhaled quickly, a small whimper fell from her lips and warm tears rolled down her cheeks. she wanted sleep. she wanted to just go and never wake up. for a split second- she didn't mind. for quick second she wanted to let herself go immediately. if she died, then her demon died. would that be easier?


that voice caused her to inhale sharply. she turned her head, glassy red eyes met ones that looked exactly like hers, if not for the purple irises... anything. she could've said anything. she could've started explaining herself. telling him how much he meant to her. how she never meant to hurt him. how now, she was just tired and wanted to shut her heavy eye lids for the promise of forever peace. but she was stuck. frozen.

she smiled, "hitoshi." y/n sat up and leaned against the headboard of her bed, acting as normal as she could. "i think today is the perfect day to just sleep." she released a choked breath, breathing was a struggle and it hurt.

it was quiet for a moment as hitoshi stood in the door frame of her room, staring at his friend suffering from her quirk. she texted him to come over as there was something she needed to tell him. he had an idea, but he didn't want to be right. clinging onto the last bit of hope he had, he thought maybe they would watch movies, eat snacks... do anything but talk with the atmosphere in the room at the moment. he was scared.

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