ten days.

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┊┊┊ ❁ཻུ۪۪ ━ ❝ ✧

┊┊┊ ❝ that nothing will

┊┊⋆ become of me

⇢˚⋆ ✎ ˎˊ- ten days left to live

⁺    ˚ . *     ✦ .  ⁺   .     ⁺

"COME OVER AND LET'S BOND." y/n took shinsou's hand in hers and started dragging him down her street. "we don't have much time left to, so im forcing you to do this with me. okay? okay!"

"wait, what are you talking about?" shinsou frowned, confused at the girl's words. "is this just another nonsense thing of yours, or should i really be concerned?" he was beginning to wonder why y/n had been bringing the concept of death and running out of time. was there something she wasn't telling him?

he, of course wasn't going to pry on the matter, but it was beginning to worry the sleep deprived boy.

"possibly both..." y/n smiled, stopping in front of her house, "don't mind my parents. they're just really... you could say, caring?"

shinsou nodded, "i understand, don't worry about it." he assured his friend.

y/n opened her door, stepping inside and kicking off her shoes as shinsou did the same.

"y/n! how was- oh, you've brought a friend?" the girl's mother was slightly shocked. she didn't think her daughter would really form genuine friendships in the last two weeks she had of living, simply because of what would come afterward.
"d/n, look! y/n brought a friend! your boyfriend, perhaps?"

"mom!" y/n rolled her eyes, giving her mother a look that told her to stop. after clearing her throat, the h/c haired girl pointed to the cute purple sleepyhead beside her with a smile. "this is shins-"

"hitoshi." the insomniac immediately corrected the girl, avoiding her eyes. "im very grateful for your daughter. she's my first friend and... she's done a lot for me already. i appreciate being here, and i'm glad i am."

"awh," was all y/n's mom could utter out. she was beginning to get tearful, making her daughter fold her arms and sigh. y/n knew this wouldn't end well for the boy, but she could figure out all that heavy stuff later. she just wanted a friend to be normal with for her last few days if living. well, the closest to normal she could get in this cruel world...

"okay... no snack today," y/n said, grabbing her friend's arm. "hitoshi and i are going-"

"wait, no snack today?" hitoshi asked with confusion. "are you dismissing snacks? i want a snack."

"oh my gosh, you're such a baby, fine." y/n turned back around, "bring out the goods, mother!"


"woah, can't believe this is your room..." hitoshi muttered in awe. "why'd they give you the bigger room? i mean, isn't this the biggest?"

"yeah... it's cause they love me," the girl teased, but quickly dismissed.

after y/n's parents were done gushing over hitoshi, and they were both done eating, the two headed upstairs to y/n's room, which was the master suite. her parents decided to give her everything since she didn't have much time. they wanted her to live the rest of her days worry-free with no complaints. she sadly, couldn't get much use out of the amazingly comforting bed... but it was nice to share with a cute purple sleepyhead.

"so... hitoshi, huh?" y/n giggled as the purple boy rolled his eyes. "that was fast progress."

"oh god, what have i done?" he laughed with y/n, then shook his head. "everything with you is really fast... that's what it feels like. somehow, i feel like we've been friends for years and it's comforting. you have that affect, i guess."

"for years, huh." the girl laughed quietly. "without meeting my parents."

"yeah, yeah... but i like them. they seem genuine, sincere, caring... they're nice."

"i think they officially like you better than me." y/n scrunched up her face in a pout, playfully glaring at her friend. she then fell back onto her soft, bouncy mattress, rolling onto her front, shoving her face into a pillow.

hitoshi joined her side, and they laid in an extremely comfortable silence for a few very long seconds.

"i wish all of my problems would disappear."

"don't we all?" shinsou smiled a little.

"yeah..." y/n turned her head to face her cute purple sleepyhead friend. "but instead of my getting rid of my problems... my problems are getting rid of me. slowly, yes. but the progress is still being made... you ever get scared of how things could just abruptly end? the things you used to complain about suddenly aren't very important anymore."

shinsou turned to face y/n. "what are you talking about? for real, y/n."

"not talking..." y/n mumbled to herself, turning back onto her back. "i'm realizing. i'm realizing a lot, actually."

"well, then what are you realizing?"

"that nothing will become of me. have i done anything to impact this world while i was here? i've done nothing to help anyone, yet. i wanna help people... someone."

"what do you mean? it's not over yet... there's a big future ahead of you." hitoshi smiled at the girl. "like years and years. the both of us still have a long way to go... but we'll get there. and a few discouraging days didn't stop anyone else. let's not let them stop us, okay?"

"mm... hey hitoshi," y/n turned on her side so she was facing the purple insomniac again. "let's just sleep."

"...we can't." hitoshi deadpanned.

"no- one day. hopefully sometime soon... let's just sleep, you and me."

"alright," hitoshi smiled at the thought, rolling onto his back and staring up at the ceiling. "you and me. one day, we'll just sleep."


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