six days.

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┊┊┊ ❁ཻུ۪۪ ━ ❝ ✧

┊┊┊   ❝ everything has a

┊┊⋆ familiar feeling with you

⇢˚⋆ ✎ ˎˊ-  six days left to live

⁺       ˚ .  *     ✦     .      ⁺   .      ⁺

"HITOSHI, KISS ME." y/n said to the purple haired insomniac, leaning over to where he sat on her bed.

"w-what?" the boy was confused at the sudden demand, looking up from the uno cards he was currently looking through. he received the deck from class a as a gift to welcome him into the hero department. denki kaminari assured the boy it was a 'good luck charm' for the ladies, whatever that meant. "why would you ask that?"

"cause we're playing uno!" the girl giggled in an 'obviously' tone. "i was talking to midoriya since i caught him in the halls again and apparently that bakugou guy- the one who placed first at the sports festival - started dating his girlfriend because of uno. i think it starts relationships so let's test the theory!"

hitoshi raised an eyebrow, looking from the cards to y/n. had they actually been a good luck charm? hitoshi frowned at the thought - good luck charm for what? he shook his head, getting rid of the whole thought.
"and if the theory is proven correct?"

"then we start dating! i wouldn't mind!" y/n laughed wholeheartedly and hitoshi couldn't tell if his friend was joking or not. this caused the boy to shake his head.

"you know what's weird about you, y/n?" hitoshi asked. and before the girl could guess, he continued, "everything has a familiar feeling with you."

"familiar?" y/n repeated curiously, watching as the cute purple sleepyhead began playing with the cards again. "what do you mean by that?"

"i mean... it feels like we've been friends for longer than we actually have. it's been like a week and i feel like ive known you forever... that sounds stupid and weird, but it's something i can't seem to get past." hitoshi looked up at y/n and frowned. "and you're weird. like, strange-weird. everything feels fast and rushed, yet calm and comfortable with you and it's uneasy, but good. i like it, but i don't. you give me a weird feeling- like we have all the time in the world, but it's limited. and that just doesn't make sense."

that was sudden, and hitoshi frowned at himself, wondering why he let all of his wonders speak for themselves.

y/n blinked, looking down at the cards. she knew exactly what it was. it was her own contradictions. she acted as if she had all the time in the world- but the fact was she didn't. she acted like childhood friends with hitoshi- but the fact was she wasn't. she acted like she would be standing right there with him when he became number one - but the simple reality of the situation is that she couldn't. it was her own approach and outlook of life and the reality of hers. she was a free spirit who was held back by the restraints of the universe, trying her best.

"i think it makes perfect sense," y/n smiled brightly. "in my head, at least!"

hitoshi laughed, "that's not very comforting. your mind is everywhere, you're always thinking about something random."

"hm... do you consider yourself random?"

"me? well, not necessarily. i have -" hitoshi paused, and his cheeks flushed a deep strawberry red, his face creasing into a frown as he realized the girl's words. "what?" he asked, despite knowing what the girl meant. he looked down at the cards again. seriously, what was going on?

y/n giggled, "why are you getting all flustered?" but she quickly paused, upon seeing hitoshi's red, shocked face, staring down. the girl blew out a sigh and fell back onto her bed, staring up at the ceiling. "are you, maybe... uncomfortable? im sorry. i didn't mean to."

hitoshi didn't say anything and y/n internally groaned at her stupid boldness about her sudden feelings for the cute purple sleepyhead. she didn't know when exactly they had occurred and maybe her attitude about it was impulsive, but she felt herself feel less afraid of taking chances and risks and doing the things she wanted since she officially had less than a week to live.

y/n turned her head when she realized hitoshi lay beside her, his own head turned to face her. purple eyes met e/c ones and the girl noticed a darker blush now colored his cheeks. "im not uncomfortable." hitoshi said. "i'm just scared, i think."

y/n turned completely on her side, propping her head up with her arm, "why are you scared?"

"i don't know..." hitoshi mimicked her position and sighed. "you're..."

the purple haired insomniac couldn't stop himself from lifting his fingers to y/n's face, gently brushing them against her cheek as he sighed.

"what is it?" y/n smiled, leaning into the boy's touch. "if you want to say something, then just say it, hitoshi. what's the worse that could happen when you're with me?"

"can i kiss you?"


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