four days.

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let's refrain from calling y/n a bitch, ty.
tw: a really small description of wounds??
im unsure if it needs a warning, but, yknow.

tw: a really small description of wounds??im unsure if it needs a warning, but, yknow

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┊┊┊ ❁ཻུ۪۪ ━ ❝ ✧

┊┊┊ ❝ you won't, like... die

┊┊⋆ from this, will you?

⇢˚⋆ ✎ ˎˊ- four days left to live.

⁺       ˚ .  *     ✦     .      ⁺   .      ⁺

"FUCK." y/n hissed to herself, toppling over, one hand reaching out for her dresser to steady herself, and the other covering her side, where she felt the piercing, striking pain. it went from her back side and around to where her ribs were and she bit on her lip quickly, wishing she hadn't been so loud, as hitoshi was in the room.

"y/n?" hitoshi lifted himself from where he was (looking under y/n's bed for something he dropped) to question his friend, whom he quickly saw was stuck in one position in pain. he quickly got to his feet to rush over to the girl's side, "are you okay?"

he scanned her for a minute, looking for the source of the problem, when his purple eyes landed to where her s/c hand covered her side, a chilling crimson which bled through the fabric of her shirt and painted her fingers, caused his eyes to widen.

"don't worry about it," y/n hissed through clenched teeth, waving her arm in his direction, despite the obvious, painful state she was in. hitoshi wondered if she was seriously trying to brush off this situation.

the purple haired insomniac swallowed hard, "y/n, you're- you're bleeding," he stammered, eyes trained on y/n's bloody hand, as she tried to stop it. "why are you bleeding?" he helped the girl cover the area over her, now bloody, shirt as his eyes quickly scanned the room for anything he could wrap around her stomach.

"it's my dumb ass quirk," y/n held her breath in a wince, taking a moment to carefully exhale again, "it's fine, i'm fine-"

"wha-you're not fine- are you crazy?" hitoshi panicked, "what do i do? how-how do i help you? um, let me see," the boy crouched down, lifting y/n's shirt, his breath getting caught in his throat at the sight of the cuts, which y/n's quirk had pierced her.

he slightly jumped upon seeing claws, those of which the girl had always been slapping and swatting away. he never really caught them on previous occasions. why were they making themselves so known now?

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