seven days.

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manga spoilers.
there will be another
warning at the point.

there will be another warning at the point

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┊┊┊ ❁ཻུ۪۪ ━ ❝ ✧

┊┊┊ ❝ i'll be your personal

┊┊⋆ guardian angel!

⇢˚⋆ ✎ ˎˊ- seven days left to live

⁺    ˚ . *     ✦ .  ⁺   .     ⁺

"GOOOOOOOD MORNING MY CUTE PURPLE SLEEPY HEAD!" y/n giggled as she bounced into the classroom, ignoring the stares she got from her classmates. she dropped down in her typical seat next to her insomniac of a friend, who raised a brow.

"you're as cheerful as the day we met," hitoshi mumbled. "maybe even more."

"yes! and it's all thanks to you!"

"wait - so im the cause of my own suffering? what kind of bull-"

"and there you go," y/n tutted, shaking her head playfully. "pretending like you weren't just the nicest guy yesterday!"

"why are we going over this agan?" hitoshi sighed, tracing invisible patterns on his desk. "you already gushed about it when you woke up, i thought you were over it... and it wasn't anything big that i did, i just knew a teacher, so..."

"hitoshi!" y/n said loudly, causing the purple haired insomniac to look at her with an expression of disgust. "i was able to get some sleep because of you! i don't know how you don't think it's a big deal! i mean, truth is - the last time i got more than five minutes of sleep- being serious and all jokes aside- was five years ago. eleven years old is when my quirk became an ass."

hitoshi frowned, noting how serious she was. like she had said, all jokes aside- sure, hitoshi had sleeping problems but realistically and seriously speaking, your body would force you to sleep, regardless of what you may think.

and from only being able to sleep less than five minutes throughout the days for five years- perhaps you would die or something. "how are you not dead from the lack of sleep, yet?"

y/n raised her brows at hitoshi's statement. "that's completely backwards, hitoshi." y/n shook her head with a small smile. "if i sleep, i die."



"by the way, why and how do you know the teacher for the hero department so well? class a, at that? pretty suspicious to me."

"oh... that's because..." hitoshi paused with sigh. it seemed the pair always stopped around the same point when they were walking home. "i was working with the hero department to test out what ive learned from aizawa-sensei."

"wha... you've been training with eraserhead- and the hero department, and you didn't tell me?!"

"well... i don't know..." hitoshi struggled to get out the words, shifting and opening his mouth, only to close it again, trying to get his thoughts across. "i thought you might've been mad or something."

"mad- what, why?"

"there's a possibility of me transferring... next year. i thought you'd be upset-"

y/n quickly wrapped her arms around the insomniac with a wide smile, feeling him tense from the surprise of the action. he swallowed thickly and allowed his hands to wrap around the girl's waist, slightly confused.

"why would i be mad, hitoshi?" y/n muttered. "i'm so happy for you! this is what you want- what you've been fighting for! what you've been training nonstop for, and you think i would be mad at you for finally catching it?" the girl pulled away with a large smile. "i'd be upset if you weren't progressing! you'll surpass everyone!"

"i'm not sure... i had to face midoriya during the test and, ive improved and im different, but so is he... he's a lot different from the sports festival and that's so quick. the hero department really is amazing..."

y/n smiled at her friend and quickly took his large hands in hers, e/c eyes flickering over to his, who stared at the girl in pure confusion.

"and so are you... you had to fight your way into that department! midoriya was born with a quirk practically made and set up for being a hero and it allows him to prove it in everything he does. but you... you weren't given the same opportunities because your amazing quirk is a little different. but clearly, your hardwork during the sports festival paid off... i mean eraserhead saw something in you and look where you are now. already going strong. keep up this path and you'll be the best in no time!"

hitoshi stared at y/n for a moment, then looked down at their hands. "you're definitely the one im thanking once i become number one," hitoshi said with a small, shy smile. "you always know exactly what to say... i wish you could transfer with me. so we could both be in there next year."

"next year..." y/n muttered. "don't worry. im perfectly content with simply watching from afar... i can't be in there with you, so i'll just be looking after you... kinda. i'll be your personal guardian angel!"

"huh. kinda ironic... you have a demon constantly clawing at your skin and yet, you're..." hitoshi looked away from the girl's e/c eyes, a peachy pink painting his cheeks at what he was about to say. he already said it when y/n was sleeping, but he wanted her to know that he admired her pure beauty, inside and out. he needed her to know. "you're so lovely."


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