twelve days.

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┊┊┊ ❁ཻུ۪۪ ━ ❝ ✧

┊┊┊ ❝ we're both dying

┊┊⋆ on the inside! ❞

⇢˚⋆ ✎ ˎˊ- twelve days left to live

⁺    ˚ . *     ✦ .  ⁺   .     ⁺

"YOU SHOULD COME OVER!" y/n cheered excitedly as she and shinsou walked out of the building the next day. it had been a school day consisting of doze offs and shaking the other awake. talk about bonding, right?

"we have known each other for a total of two and a half days, l/n." shinsou sighed, looking ahead boredly.

"wha-! tell me you don't feel this connection we have, though!"


"of course!" y/n smiled, hopping in front of the purple insomniac. "i can't sleep, you can't sleep! we're both in general studies, and we're both dying on the inside!"

of course, y/n was literally dying, but due to the fact she believed shinsou didn't exactly know that was true, she would try her best to slide in that information throughout her dying days... oops.

"hm, maybe another time." shinsou waved. "im going home to take a nap, i think."

y/n playfully batted her lashes, and touched her fingers together, "well maybe we could, like.. n-nap together sometime?" however the girl quickly shook her head with a laugh, and gave her friend a joking salute. "buh-bye!"

she ran down the street, on her way to her house quickly, leaving the sleepy purple boy beyond confused at her hyperactivity.


y/n opened the door to her home and was greeted with the smell of f/f, her mother immediately greeted her with a tight embrace, as she had started doing since that day at the hospital.

y/n could barely breathe, struggling to talk in her mother's death grip, "h-hi mom!" she was let go, and smiled, though it dropped when she saw her mother's puffy, bloodshot eyes. she must've spent her entire day crying about her daughter. y/n sighed, she hadn't accepted it yet.

"hi sweetie, your father's making f/f, how was your day?"

y/n kicked off her shoes with a sigh, "it was a typical day, i guess. nothing really goes on at that place if you're in general studies."

"well you told us the other day you made a friend, didn't you?" her mother recalled quickly. "what's his name? shinsoo is it?"

"shinsou. and yeah, he's cool. pretty cute too, i asked if he wanted to come over today, but he'd rather take a nap so whateves i guess. maybe next time. soon..."

m/n looked over at d/n with a saddened expression. neither of them knew how to handle this situation. they didn't know how to speak- how to act. should they acknowledge the fact their daughter had less than a month to live, or normalize her life so she didn't have to spend her last days thinking about the end of them?

d/n placed a plate of food in front of the pouting girl, who looked like she was in deep thought. he smiled and patted her head gently, "made just the way you like it."

y/n smiled, trying to keep her spirits high. for her parents at least. she wanted them to know she was okay. the last thing she wanted was for her parents to be left with the thought their daughter didn't enjoy her life before she passed. "thanks guys!" she said cheerily. "you're the best... i love you both."

that's when her mother smiled tearily, squeezing her daughter's shoulder painfully. "we love you too."


at the end of the night and after dinner, y/n blew out a sigh as she plopped onto her bed. she groaned, feeling the claws of her quirk scratch her arms over and over again. the girl balled up her fists, flipping over onto her back, and hitting at the paralysis demon that was slowly killing her.

"stop fucking with me!" she called out to it, slapping the claws at her shoulders again. she wanted to cry, but the demon wouldn't care. "let me live at least my last few days in peace, jeeze."

she turned on her side, shutting her eyes tightly. she bit her lip went she felt the piercing again, and nearly stopped breathing at the sharp pain in her side. the h/c haired girl frantically sat up, slapping her hand to the side of her stomach, cradling the area that began to bleed slowly.

her face tightened. it was okay. this was fine. she just had to simply patch it up and everything would be good. she wasn't going down without a fight, so if this was all her quirk could bring to the table, she could take it on, right? it wasn't too bad.

this is all fine.

everything is fine.


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