nine days.

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┊┊┊ ❁ཻུ۪۪ ━ ❝ ✧

┊┊┊   ❝ nine days down, you

┊┊⋆ can watch these documents

⇢˚⋆ ✎ ˎˊ-  nine days left to live

⁺       ˚ .  *     ✦     .      ⁺   .      ⁺

"HITOSHI, LEMME SEE YOUR PHONE." was the first thing y/n said the the purple haired insomniac as he sat down in class with a yawn. though he quickly frowned at the girl.


"what? oh! c'mom! i wanna do something, and you have to do the same for me."

hitoshi raised his eyebrow and hesitantly slid out his phone from his pocket to place it on the desk in front of him. he stared at the girl who sat beside him, and y/n stared back, almost stoic and unblinkingly. he sighed. "what're your plans with this device, exactly?"

y/n put a hand over her mouth with a small cackle at her friend's seriousness. "hitoshi stop, oh my gosh i'm not gonna do anything bad, i promise, promise."

"hm, right. i don't think i trust you."

"what? but we're the bestest of friends! how could you not trust me?"

hitoshi had a look of disgust on his face, "no." he repeated himself.

"ugh! fine, whatever." y/n groaned in frustration, folding her arms over her chest. she got annoyed faster than she typically would've, hitoshi took note of. "you know, hitoshi, you should learn to be nicer to people! cherish moments. you never know when it could all... go away!"

"that's your go to, huh?" hitoshi shook his head, not really listening to the girl. "make it last cause you'll never know when it'll go? for a seemingly positive person, you sure are secretly negative."

"whatever, forget it, doesn't matter." y/n mumbled, resting her chin in her hand, closing her eyes with a sigh.

hitoshi turned toward the girl, his purple eyes scanning over her face, silently appreciating the structure of it. he slightly shook his head and groaned himself, "i'll give it you after school," he said. "so you can do whatever it is you wanna do."


that afternoon, as the pair was walking home, y/n stopped her friend in their tracks, holding out her hand for hitoshi's phone.

"i'm gonna document something on your phone." y/n said to her friend with a small smile. hitoshi looked at her for a minute and noted her smile could be mistaken for sad or pained as she began searching for her phone, "we both are. document something about me or yourself or our friendship, i dunno. but you can't look at it until you've counted nine days down the line, starting with today." she held out her phone, unlocked.

"huh- what? nine days? why are we documenting and why nine days? just make it ten, let it be even."

y/n shook her head, "nine days down, you can watch these documents. please don't watch them before then, okay? just like, to remember stuff or something. anyways, gimme your phone." she said seriously.

the way y/n was acting today made hitoshi frustrated. after all, he thought they were the bestest of friends - reminder that those were y/n's words- and the h/c haired girl wasn't telling him something, clearly. had he frustrated her? was he doing something wrong? why was she so serious and gloomy today? it bothered the purple haired insomniac.

hitoshi blew out a sigh, "ugh, okay?" he handed over his phone and took the girl's in return.

y/n quickly hopped ahead of him and he waited, watching the girl horizontally hold his phone and begin to speak, so he did the same.

hitoshi looked into the camera, but shifted his eyes away, finding it awkward to look at himself.

"uh hi, y/n. nine days into the future, i guess. we're friends, um. and yeah. you're really weird. but i'm glad you're here. i think. im not sure what it would be like if you weren't constantly yapping in my ears, so... okay bye."

the boy quickly tapped the button and turned over just in time to see y/n press her lips against shinsou's phone screen with a "muah!"

"y/n! ew, what are you doing? don't kiss my phone!"


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