eleven days.

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┊┊┊ ❁ཻུ۪۪ ━ ❝ ✧

┊┊┊ ❝ you're not allowed

┊┊⋆ to die, alright?

⇢˚⋆ ✎ ˎˊ- eleven days left to live ✧

⁺    ˚ . *     ✦ .  ⁺   .     ⁺

WHY WAS THE ROOM MOVING? why did the lack of sleep really cause this much trouble for y/n? she could feel the stupid paralysis demon clawing at her arms, tearing at the thin layer of her skin, piercing her over and over, it was driving her insane.

she was already running late. she didn't want to deal with her quirk anymore. living for another few days was proven to be more trouble than it was really worth.

y/n winced when she could feel herself basically being torn from inside as her quirk wanted to take over, dragging herself further down the hallway. she felt like a zombie, and she knew she looked far worse.


y/n didn't think the shouting ball of green that sped by her was actually real. in fact, most things she saw on a day to day basis was part of her sleep deprived hallucination, so she typically paid no mind.

which is why the girl jumped at the contact she felt. whoever had touched her shoulder jumped in fear as well, quickly backing up and apologizing for his actions profusely.

"SORRY! SORRY! SORRY!" he said multiple times, bowing furiously. when he stopped, he stood up properly. his face was a darker red than the eyes of y/n's sleep paralysis demon, and he had an adorable freckled face with dark green curls. "uh... a-are you okay?"

"hm? im fine..." y/n tried her best to smile, but her face fell as she had dozed off right then and there. the boy was quick to catch the girl.

y/n jerked herself awake when those familiar claws tore at her arms again.

"gAh!" the freckle faced boy backed up upon seeing the claws, "w-woah-! was-was that...?"

"aah, it's my quirk, yeah..." y/n was able to decipher that question. "thanks for catching me."

"oh, n-no problem! but... were you making your way to recovery girl? you probably should... you don't look so well... i-i mean not in a bad way or anything! you're really pretty! i just mean y-you look like you're in... pain?" his voice went soft at the end.

y/n shook her head, "no, no. im fine, really! it's normal... im l/n, y/n by the way!" y/n quickly perked up to let the caring boy know she was okay. "im in general studies!"

"oh, im midoriya izuku! in the hero cou- wAIT MR. AIZAWA WILL KILL ME! i-i'm sorry! i have to go!! maybe we'll see each other again, but please take care of yourself!" midoriya quickly ran off in that direction.

wow. y/n had just met a hero course student. were they all that kind? she wanted to meet more before she passed...


"no." shinsou told the curious girl as the pair walked home from school that day. "not all of them are as kind as him. he's just got a good future ahead of him. a real hero."

y/n sighed dreamily, "his name's midoriya... that's cute... and so cool!" she gushed. "i can't believe i was seriously in the hospital during the sports festival!"

"it was pretty unsatisfying in the end." shinsou shrugged. "some angry explosive brat from same class won the whole thing anyway. midoriya wasn't in the top three."

y/n pursed her lips, "it's always those people, huh? i bet after you, he'll be the greatest hero." her eyes sparkled excitedly.

"yeah, he's the best out of... after me?" shinsou stopped in his tracks to look at y/n seriously. she always said something that never failed to surprise the purple haired insomniac.

y/n faced the confused boy. "of course, you cute purple sleepyhead! you'll be the best."

"you think so?" shinsou nervously tugged on his ear. he'd never had someone at school who was so ready for him to be successful. someone who normalized his dreams of being a hero like every other kid. like he was someone in the hero course. like there was no reason he shouldn't be a hero.

"i know so. i may not live to see your glory, but i will gladly join the fight. ever heard of that?"


"it's in a song... it's basically saying: i may not be alive to see you in your prime time... but i'll willingly stick by you in the journey you're making to reach that time."

"hm... where are you going?" shinsou asked with a laugh, brushing it off as his friend simply being weird again. "why wouldn't you be alive?"

"things happen. people die... you never know what could happen, right?"

shinsou kicked a pebble, "i suppose you're right... but don't worry. i'll be able to save you every single time." the purple haired boy smiled. "no dying before i become number one- not on my watch."

he was joking. to him this was all a big joke. he didn't actually know y/n was going to die soon- and nobody could stop it. to him, it was just another midlife crisis thought she had on a daily basis. y/n shook her head.

"well, that's just my saying to you. remember that when you're number one."

"fine, fine." shinsou smiled as he rolled his eyes. "but seriously, don't die. i have to thank you in the future for being the only one who stood by me. you're not allowed to die, alright?"



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