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it took him hours of sitting with y/n for him to realize she wasn't waking up. her parents even left him alone in the room that had become eerily quiet. his hands that were stained with the red from y/n's stomach still cupped her face that was cooled and he didn't think he could cry anymore by the time he left the room.

her parents had informed him of what was going to take place. the funeral would take place in a few days at most, as they had already had time to previously plan. they also informed him of something y/n gifted him with- but her parents were very set on not giving it to him until it was time. he didn't know what that even meant and he couldn't think straight with the constant, violent throbbing of his headache that had been going strong for a while now.

it took him a few hours to get himself somewhat situated. his parents were out for the night, lucky him because he really didn't feel like talking about the entire situation with anyone for at the moment.

it wasn't until his phone vibrated beside him on his nightstand a few times, again and again like an alarm- he was forced to pick up the device to shut it off, but paused when he read an alarm that he didn't set.

'cute purple sleepyhead! the documents!!!'

the alarm was named and he could feel his heart pick up at the words. y/n set that alarm. it was like stab to his chest because it felt like she had just texted him or something. he could almost hear her voice say the words and he did want to hear her voice again - now he could...

was that a good idea?

he turned off the alarm and stared at the screen for a few moments. even if it wasn't a good idea, he would still do it. he wanted to hear her voice again. maybe the documents would make her death feel more complete? it was all sudden, very sudden. he needed closure.

maybe that's what the documents were for.

hitoshi reached over for his headphones, connecting them to his device, then slid into his gallery and saw the 9 videos stored on the device. some had to have been sent by email and organized into one spot at the last minute or something because y/n didn't always have his phone.

staring at them with formatting and everything. of course there was formatting to simple documents. that was so y/n. he tapped on the oldest one and leaned in closer to the screen, pressing the volume button to hear better.

more tears, a worse headache, and an aching throat, he watched the girl, holding the device to her face with a smile, and he could see himself in the background with her phone in his hand, completely and utterly clueless that his time with the girl was limited.

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