Sudden surprise

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I didn't know how it happened. At one moment I was walking out of my apartment, the next I was standing in a really large hall; similar to a court room, surrounded by many different people. Suddenly, the person in what appeared to be the judge's seat spoke.

"Welcome to the Devildom, (y/n). You must be quite surprised, but that's normal since you have just arrived." He had brown hair and almost glowing yellow eyes. He looked to be fairly young, maybe a bit older then me, which I found quite odd.

"As a human, it might take a while for you to adjust to the Devildom" He continued. Wait, Devildom? As in devil? And he called me a human, does that mean he's not? What the hell is going on here?!

"I-is this a dream?" I questioned, not speaking to anyone in particular. There must of been an evident look of confusion on my face. Wait, how was I not panicking now?

"Hmm, what a very human thing to say. You might be the exact type of person we were looking for." There he goes again with that human thing. What on earth was he talking about? And who were the other people in this room.

"I suppose I should introduce myself. My name is Diavolo. I am the ruler of all demons, and all here know of me." I felt like I was going to feint. I felt so light headed and I thought the world was spinning. Ruler of demons? This HAD to be a dream. But it felt so real.

"This is the Royal Academy of Diavolo, though we call it RAD. You are standing in the assembly hall, the heart of RAD and where we hold our student council meetings. I am the president of the council." He begins to explain things.

I let my eyes wonder around the room for a moment, catching the gazes of a few of the other people.

"Why am I here?" I ask, returning my gaze to Diavolo, still extremely confused at everything.

"I will explain everything to you" A raven haired male spoke up. He acted the most formal out of the others in the room so far, and he sat closest to Diavolo. He must be the second in command or something.

"(Y/n), this is Lucifer. A demon and the Avatar of Pride. He's also the vice president and my right hand man, and that's not just a title, he's my most trusted friend." Diavolo spoke up, and my eyes widened slightly. The Avatar of Pride? A demon? Are they talking about THE Lucifer, the host one of the 7 deadly sins? This is him? Wait, why is he kinda cute though?

"Flattery will get you nowhere, Diavolo" He tells the future demon king before turning to me. His slight smile looked far to charming and plastered on, not genuine at all. I think he was just keeping up an act. "On behalf of the entire student body, I offer you the most heartfelt welcome, (Y/n)" He says to me in a stoic, but open tone. It sounded too fake, too practiced to be real.

"Why am I here?" I asked again, not breaking eye contact. If this was all real and not just a dream, I had to act as strong as I could. I couldn't show them weakness, because they'd take advantage of it, right?

"Diavolo believes we should begin to strengthen our bonds with the Celestial realm and the Human world. To achieve this goal, our first step is to institute an exchange program" He explains and my eyes widen. That's what this was about. 

My memory flashes back to when I was in the human world. Signing up for the exchange program, the letter I had received the day before, things clicked into place. 

"I assume you have put two and two together by now. You have been chosen to be one of the two human exchange students. Your period of stay will be one year and you will be attending classes like normal. After the year, you will write a paper about your change in the Devildom." He explains to me as I take in the information.

"Write a paper?" I questioned slightly, not needing confirmation of anything else.

"You don't need to write a doctoral thesis, you could take it easy" I looked at him with a questioning gaze, a type of numbness to my emotions. Really? Is this actually happening?

"Don't glare at me like that, you won't be left to learn about this on your own. I've decided that my brother Mammon will look after you" What on earth? Does it look like I need a babysitter? "He's the Avatar of Greed and... how should I put it? You'll find out soon enough" He seemed to become ashamed at the mention of his brother, which definitely got my attention. So, the sin of greed will be watching over me. Well, at least the only valuables I have on me is my jewelry, and I'm not planning on taking it off anytime soon.

"Here, take this device. It's called a D.D.D. It's very similar to cell phones in the human world. As long as you are here, this will be yours. Now, try calling Mammon with it. It should already be in the contacts." He explains to me and I look down at the device. I unlock the phone and scan the icons before clicking on the contacts. I see many names with pictures associated with them. I recognized other of the deadly sins names, but I scrolled down to look for Mammon. I click on the contact and call him.

"Yooo." He answers the phone and says, causing me to raise a brow.

"Hi?" I say, slightly confused. I heard a snicker from some of the others in the room, watching with an amused look.

"Wait, who the hell are ya?" He questions and I narrow my eyes slightly. They use the term 'hell' when they're basically in hell. I guess it's like us saying 'what on Earth' despite being on earth.

"I'm a human" I tell him, thinking that he probably wouldn't know my name. But then again, who knows.

"A human, geez, I was getting worried that it was Lucifer again. You should of told me right away. Anyways, what business does a human have with THE Mammon" He said, emphasizing the 'THE' in front of his name. Is this guy serious? Don't tell me he's a narcassist.

"I guess you're going to be in charge of me now?" I say, in more of a questioning tone to myself then anything. This was still super bizarre.

"No way! There's nothing in it for me, and what do you even mean? Oh wait, you're the OTHER exchange student. G'luck with that and see ya" He said, almost ending the call. There was only one other thing I could possibly say to keep him on the line.

"Lucifer called for you" I said to him, noticing a smirk on the raven haired male for a moment.

"Ya think THE Mammon would listen to you  'cause you're tryin' to scare me with that name?" Wait, is he SCARED of Lucifer, oh that's gold.

"You've got 10 seconds... 9....8" Lucifer says, starting to count down. I tried so hard to stop myself from changing expressions. This was comedy gold.

"Yessir!" He said in alarm, hanging up the phone.

"Sound like you had a good chat" Lucifer says in a slight joking tone, which surprised me.

"He seems reliable" I say with a sarcastic tone, looking at the device in my hand before turning it off. I already knew that this was going to be a long day.


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