The new start

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Waking up in a cold sweat wasn't new to me, but that added onto the unfamiliar room had my heart pounding out of my chest. Fear and nervousness filled me before the memories of yesterday flashed in my vision. The fact that I was still here managed to convince me that it was all real.

I got up from my bed and got ready. I glanced at my reflection, noticing the redness around my eyes contrasting strongly to the slightly lighter shade of my skin. Stupid nightmares making me go pale. 

After getting ready, I sat on my bed and looked at my D.D.D.. It was pretty early, but not too early. I figured I would walk around a bit until later. I had a rough time schedule from Lucifer, so I stalled until then. I made my way towards the dining room, having passed it yesterday. The place was actually pretty easy to navigate. As I walked into the dining area, eyes landed on me. I took a seat at the table, noticing Lucifer and the 7th of their brother's wasn't there. I stayed silent during breakfast. I guess my nerves were finally hitting after realizing that this was real. The brothers around me bickered, but was otherwise uneventful.

School, while being a new place, wasn't all that different from school back on Earth. I learned one very important thing my first day at the school, and that's that rumors spread like wildfire. I heard threats left right and center. Threats to attack me while Mammon wasn't looking, because let's be honest, he couldn't care less about me. I chose to ignore them though, not because I thought they were bluffing. I was fully aware they were serious. But I also knew that people were afraid of what would happen if you were to defy Lucifer and Diavolo.

As I walked to my first class, I heard another one of these threats. This time, a threat to eat me. Now, I wasn't really scared, but I didn't really want to hang around them, so I slightly picked up my pace.

"Hey, you there" A male voice called out to me. I paused before looking back at a while haired male I passed.

"Yes, you. The human. You're (Y/n), right?" He asks me and I look at him with sharp eyes. If I knew anything, it was to not show weakness to anyone, even though I didn't think he was a demon, something about him told me he should be one.

"This is your D.D.D, right? You dropped it just now." I look at the device in his hand and reach for my pocket, which was empty. Odd, I didn't feel it fall out. I take the phone like device from him and look at him oddly.

"No need to be suspicious of me. I'm Solomon, an exchange student from the human world, like you. It's nice to meet you, (Y/n)" He says to me with a smile. It looked too happy, like one fabricated to gain other's trust. It wasn't fake, which was the thing that freaked me out the most.

"Are you really a human?" I question him, putting the device in my pocket. I had a strong sense he was, but he gave off the same vibe I got from other demons. 

"Good question, honestly there are times where I'm not sure myself." He chuckles as he responds. He then began telling me about how he made pacts with 72 demons and how despite that, he's pretty sure he's still human. Fair point, that explains the energy I get off of him.

"I should get going, take care of yourself (Y/n)" He says before walking off. Using my name repeatedly in a conversation. He's trying to make me trust him. Jokes on him, I know all his psychology tricks and I trust no one. I start heading towards my classroom when I notice Lucifer walking towards me. 

"Good morning (Y/n)" He greets me and I smile politely.

"Good morning" I say softly, but loud enough for him to hear. 

"I see you've become quite the celebrity here. And it looks like you've made it through the night without being eaten. Good for you. Still, there's no guarantee that you'll make it to tomorrow." He says as he walks alongside me. I take in an inaudible breath and internally groan. He really didn't have to remind me. I have a feeling I wont like this guy.

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