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After the events at RAD, Mammon lead me to where I would be staying; aka, the house on Lamenation. The name rung familiar in my ears when I heard it, making a point to figure out where or why I recognized it. Mammon cursed silently as we went inside. He turned to face me as we entered the lobby. His gazed seemed to glare daggers into me and even though he didn't seem to be much of a threat, he was a demon who could hurt me. I bit my lip, maintaining eye contact to not show weakness to him.

"Why do I have to watch over some lowly human, it's downright insulting. That rotten bastard... does he really think he can scare me into doing whatever he wants? Just so were clear, it's not like I cant say no to him! I agreed to babysit you because... uh.. because... it doesn't matter! But I am not scared of him!" He says to me, placing his hands on his hips and glaring at me. He stumbled over his words, showing that he was lying. I have a feeling that all the brothers have some kind of fear or avoidance of Lucifer. I wonder why.

Deciding to play along and stay on his safe side, I nod. "I know that" I agree with him and he looked at me with slight shock for a moment.

"Oh. Okay, as long as we're clear. Whatever, let's move on" he says with a slightly surprised tone as he turned around. He leads me inside the house of Lamenation, and I look around in amazement at the lobby room. It was probably bigger then my entire home back on Earth, but mind you I live in an apartment.

"This is the house of Lamenation, one of the dorms here at RAD. This is the dorm that is specifically reserved for student council members." He explains to me and I hear his pitch change into a more irritated one. We walk further inside the lobby and he starts to pace.

"Lucifer, Asmo and the others take every chance they can to insult me. Calling me scum, saying I'm a money grabber and stuff. But I'm an officer on the student council, the same as them. I'm an elite, top of the RAD social pyramid." He continues to speak, but I had tuned what he said out. His brothers insult him? I really hope it's in a more playful, brotherly type of way instead of a malicious way.

"Anyways, long story short is that us seven brothers all live here together. Now it's about time I show you to your room." I zone back in as he speaks, catching his last few words before we continue. I look around the room slightly and my eyes fall to a bulletin on the wall. I couldn't help but notice a flyer advertising a part time job. 

'Maybe I should get a job' I pondered as I tried to take in a few details. Mammon sees me slow down and he stops and looks at me.

"I'll leave you behind if you keep walking at that pace. If you have any questions, you better ask now." He says and I look over at him. I furrow my brows before shaking my head. 

"Nothing in particular. I'm still trying to understand everything here." I reply, taking one last glance at the board before looking back at him. 

"Fine then. but I'm going to give you a piece of advice. If you wanna survive even a day in the Devildom, you better listen up. If it ever looks like a demon is about you attack you, run away. Either that or die." He explains to me, and something in his voice shows a slight bit of genuine concern. I don't know why though, I feel as if a small part of him seems to care, even slightly.

"How about this, I vote you die, Mammon" A male with violet blue hair walks into the room, glaring at the white haired male in front of me. 

"D'ah, Levi. Uh, l-listen up human. This here is Leviathan, the avatar of Envy. He's the third oldest of us brothers. Since his name's sorta hard to say, we just call him Levi. Okay, moving on." He smiles at me, but I couldn't help but notice a change in his tone.

"Mammon, give me my money back. Then go crawl in a hole and die" Levi said with an angry tone. I let my gaze fall as his words echoed over. How could someone be so cruel to their own family. I hoped it was family banter, but no, it's not. This is genuine hatred.

"Come on, I told you I'd get it to you. I just need a little more time... And you still want me to die after I give it back? That's harsh, Levi." Mammon countered, looking down at his younger brother.

"You need a little more time? How much more?" Levi said, getting impatient and further irritated at his brother.

"A little more okay, a little more means a little more"

"You've been telling me that for the last 200 years, Mammon"

"Hey, no! It hasn't been 200 years. It's been 260, get it right"

Holy shit, he owes money from 200 years ago!? Just how old are these guys? They look my age!

"Seriously Mammon, you're--"

"What, Scum? Is that what you're going to say?"

"--You're a lowlife, a waste of space"

Okay that was just cruel, who would say that to anyone? Wait, I guess they're demons. Actual demons.

"Hey, come on. That's even worse."

"Whatever, just give me back my money. I need it to buy the Blu-ray set of Journey to the Devildom: The tale of the little She-Devil and her Reluctant companion." Wait, that long name. Is it a show? No way, it has to be an anime....


An Otaku?

"I don't know what you're talking about Levi, but it doesn't matter. I don't even have any money to give you. How am I supposed to give you money I don't have?"

The two of them continue to argue over the money, with Mammon clearly having no intention on giving it back. This continues for a while longer before Mammon comes up with a brilliant idea.

"Now that I think about it... Levi, I'm pretty sure this human likes to collect the same stuff that you do. I bet you'd kill to have some of the stuff in (Y/n)'s collection" Mammon says, snapping me out of my own thoughts. Okay, so he made up an excuse, probably not even realizing I also collect stuff. 

"You know, those doll things you always buy. What do you call them?" Mammon questions for a moment, not knowing the word.


"Yeah, those"

Levi turns to me at this, and I probably had the most blank expression as I looked at Mammon, who's using me as a distraction.

"So, you also collect figurines? Which ones? Ohh, do you have any of the main characters from Battle Princess Brigade? Or Girls Only? Or Diamond Dust?" He questions me with a curious look in his eyes, and my eyes light up at the mention of the animes.

"Yeah, I do actually" My words cause Levi's eyes to light up.

"NO WAY! You are SO lucky! The human world sounds AMAZING! Ugh, I'm so jealous!" I wanted to giggle at the fan boy, but couldn't as I notice stuff in the hallway move, as if a gust of wind blew them. Wait...  No [CENSORED] Way!

"You've got to be kidding me! That ass Mammon ran off! Do you realized what just happened?" He questions looking back at me. He could probably tell by my expression that I knew.

"This is exactly why humans are--" I was about to question when his irritated expression turned into one of realization. His eyes lit up again. "-- Wait, humans. Yes, that's it! I got an idea! Your free right now, right? Of course you are! Either way, you're coming with me"

As I followed Levi through the halls, I received a text on my D.D.D. Looking at it, Mammon texted me, making up an excuse for leaving me with the Avatar of Envy. I let out a sigh before replying and putting my phone away. This was gonna be a long day.

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