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"I think it's funny that you made a pact with Mammon." Lamia said as we continued eating our lunch. 

"It was honestly nothing much. It's a weakness you go for." I said, thinking about what happened earlier. Rumors were spreading like crazy, and I had eyes on me at every second. Not to mention a really intimidating talk between Diavolo, Lucifer, and another demon I had met; Barbatos. I also met the angel exchange students, so that was pretty cool. The one thing I have yet to figure out is why literally everyone I meet attractive or cute.

"You seem like your thinking hard about something. Did something happen?" She asks me, her eyes scanning my expression. I shrug my shoulders, my mind wandering to the earlier conversation.

"Just something one of the angel's told me." I said honestly, peaking her interest. 

"Oh, and what would that be?" She asks, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.

"He told me to never trust a demon. Especially Lucifer, calling him things like 'uncivilized', 'immoral' and a 'monster'" I told her honestly, glancing at her expression. It was like realization had hit her. She laid back against the tree as she took another bite of her lunch.

"He's not wrong. You really can't trust a demon. But it's not like we all don't have some kind of morals. Every one of us is different. But trust that angel when he told you to not trust Lucifer." She told me, which honestly didn't come as a surprise. Even since I just got here, I didn't trust him from the start. He acted in such a well presented way, despite his obvious red flags about who he was. Despite that, there was always something in his eyes I couldn't catch. 

"You know what, here's a tip on how to survive the student council." She says with a smile, sitting up to face me.

"Honestly, I'd need it or I'm probably going to die within a week if I'm lucky." I said to her with a thankful expression. She laughs at this.

"But, you have to make a deal with me" 

"Oh no"

"It's nothing bad. Just think about it. I do modelling as a career. So... you have to model with me."


"A human model will make sales go through the roof. Plus, it pays well." A mischievous smile on her face as she speaks. So this was the job she mentioned earlier. You know what, the only thing I have to lose is my life, which is always on the line here. Why not.

"Alright, just... tell me how to survive them" I say with a sigh, and her eyes glow with excitement.

"Alright, so, you know how each of them is the avatar of a sin" She says to me, to which I nod.

"Well, each of them has a limit before that aspect of them takes control. Using Lucifer as an example, it takes something really significant to break his normal demeanor. I've actually never seen him lose control." A visible shiver went down her spine, almost as if she was afraid of him.

"B-but anyways, never do anything that would invoke their specific emotions. Don't make Leviathan jealous, don't anger Satan, you get the idea" She explains and I nod, my mind going back to the siblings.

"I've been to nervous to ask this question, but I haven't met the 7th brother. I think he's the youngest."

"Ah you mean Belphegor. I haven't seen him around for a while now. Rumors say he and Lucifer got into a fight and that he was one of the transfer students to go to your world." She explained to me, giving me an answer to the question that had been bothering me.

"I see. Thanks for letting me know." I tell her kindly, and she just giggles. 

"No problem. Also, free up your schedule tomorrow after school and on the weekend. I'm setting up a photo shoot." Her blunt tone rings in my ears and I just let out a sigh. At least I'll have some money to buy clothes now so I don't just have my one outfit.

"I'm gonna head to class, talk to you later Lamia." I say as I stand up. She waves me off as I head to class, preparing for another boring day.

Later that night

'help me'

I turned around, looking for the sound of the voice.

'Please, I'm scared' The familiarity of the tone made my blood run cold. I tried to call out to the name, but no sound left my lips.

'(Y/n), help me!' The voice called out, and in the distance was a familiar silhouette. I tried to run towards it, but the distance between us kept growing.

'NO!' I called out as an ear shattering scream echoed around me. Tears pricked my eyes as I reached out and sprinted, feeling a burn in my lungs. The person fell down to the floor as I finally managed to get to them.

Their bloodied face and empty eyes looked up at me as I fell to my knees, placing his head in my lap. Our matching eyes meet as tears spill down my face. His orbs closed for the final time as his breathing stilled, his skin turning ice cold. The feeling traveled up my arms as I let out a blood curdling cry.

I shot up from my covers, clutching them tightly as I muffle a strangled sound that was about to leave me. Teardrops land on my hand, bringing my attention to them. I bring my hand up, covering my eyes as I slow my breath. Standing up from my bed, I stumbled into my bathroom, washing my face in the sink. I dry my face and look at my reflection. It wasn't too visible in the dark, but my eyes were red from crying, my throat was sore, and I was visibly shaking.

"Every time" I mumble to myself, grabbing my trembling arms as I walk out of the bathroom. I sat down on my bedside and closed my eyes.


A voice rang out from the stillness, and my hear shot up and looked around. My eyes having already been adjusted to the dark, I couldn't see anyone here. I closed my eyes and let my head droop again. Maybe I'm imagining things.


There it was again. My head shot up as I scanned the room, confusion and worry being the only emotion I had.

"Someone help me..."

I was sure I wasn't imagining it now. I stood up from my bed and walked out of my room, where I had heard the voice. 

It wasn't as frequent, but I managed to follow the whisper of a voice. A feeling of worry filled me at the tone. It was one of dread. 

I finally made my way to where I thought the source was. A spiral staircase leading upstairs into what looked like an attic. I heard the voice call out again, and that was the final confirmation that someone was up there. I walked up to the base of the staircase before I heard a sound that made my heart drop.

"(Y/n). Stop right there. You'll go no farther... That's not a place for humans, it's dangerous." His tone was cold as ice, but I could tell he was trying to hide something up there. He had to be. What was that voice? Who did it belong to. "Go back to your room" He said coldly, and I quickly think of an excuse as I turn to lock eyes with him. I must of not fully recovered from the nightmare, because his expression changed for a slight moment into one of confusion, before returning to it's cold gaze.

"Sorry. I was looking for a place I could get some fresh air." I breathed out, only now realizing how hoarse my voice had been. It was evident from my tone I had been crying, and I hated it.

"Not tonight (y/n), go back to your room" He told me, and I took in a breath before nodding.

"Sorry" I said as I walked past him, my head down as I moved back into my room. Every part of me screamed to stay, but I knew I couldn't. I needed to make sure I wasn't killed.

I didn't go back to sleep that night. I couldn't after everything that happened. I just looked out the window and got lost in my thoughts to pass the night away.

Hey, first mini note. I hope everyone is staying safe in this time. Thank you for reading this story. When starting it, I wanted to change the story slightly from the game and I was thinking of adding more romantic interests instead of just the 7 brothers. What do you guys think and who would you like to see me add?

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