Into the attic

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"You actually made a pact with Levi?! Didn't he try to kill you?" Lamia questioned as we walked to our usual lunch spot. I purse my lips and nod, laughing slightly.

"Yeah, I guess things worked out in the end, huh?" I said, mainly to myself as I prepared for tonight.

"You seem zoned out, you good?" She asks as she sits down, which I soon follow.

"Yeah, I didn't sleep last night, so I'm a bit tired" I tell her, and I watch a grin make it's way onto her face.

"I hate when that happens. Still, for a lack of sleep, you look great." She says, marveling at my skin. I laugh lightly before taking a bite of my food.

"Ah, (Y/n), I didn't expect to see you out here" a familiar voice broke the slight silence that had sta, causing me to look up. Lamia visibly tensed at the sight of the two.

"Oh, Simeon, Luke. Yeah I normally eat out here" I tell them, glancing over at Lamia to make sure she was doing alright.

"May we join the both of you? Our usual lunch spot was taken" he tells us as Luke's gaze remained fixated on the siren beside me.

"I'm alright with it. What about you, Lamia?" I asked the red headed girl beside me, who was trying to force herself to relax.

"Uh, sure" She mumbled, and I couldn't help but notice how different she was acting. Did the angels scare her? But that didn't make sense. Maybe she's more reserved then I thought.

The two angels sat down in front of us and we begin talking about out life at RAD so far. Lamia slowly calmed down, becoming more relaxed and comfortable as the conversation went on. Different topics came up, especially the one where I made a pact with Levi. Yes, that was a rumor going around too. I have no idea how anyone figures this stuff out.

As lunch came to an end, we separated from the angels and walked towards the building.

"They're not as bad as I thought" Lamia smiled, throwing away her trash as we walked inside.

"I'm glad you think that.  Although Luke can be difficult at times" I told her, causing her to laugh.

"Yeah, but~" she began in a sing song voice, causing my hairs to stand on the back of my neck. What was she plotting?

She came close to me until her lips her by my ear.

"I saw how they were looking at you, (Y/n). I recognize a look of romantic attraction anywhere" At her words, my cheeks instantly felt warm.

"Lamia, no! I've known them for less then a month!" I whisper yelled at her, though she just laughed at me in response to my sudden panic.

"Okay okay. But Mammon totally has a thing for you. Actually, maybe even Levi, but I haven't seen how you both interact, so I cant be sure."

I hushed her as she continued to laugh and I made her swear to not tell anyone about her ideas. She promised and told me that if I needed confirmation, I just needed to ask them and my pendant would tell me the truth. Though, I didn't like using it, it did sometimes come in handy. Though I was definitely not using it for that!

The day passed quickly, and I walked with Mammon and Levi back to the house of Lamenation. It was odd having the purple haired male join us, but a welcome surprise.

After dinner, Levi gave me the TSL soundtrack, which I later gave to Lucifer. He emphasized that he'd be listening to it all night, and I made it seem like I was neutral about it. I even threw in some 'accidental' yawns to try to show I'd not leave my room either. When questioned as to why I got it, I told him that it was the only way I could think to repay him for saving me from Levi, even if it was only 'cause I was an exchange student. Seemingly satisfied with my answer, we went our separate ways... perfect.

I waited until late at night until I walked up to the attic. The stairs were silent as I walked up, making my way to the source of the voice.

Near the end of a hallway was an open barred door. Inside of it was a male who looked to be similar age to me. The thing I noticed first about him was his navy blue and white hair. He seemed familiar for some reason.

"I knew you were the one person who'd be able to find me" His voice rang out as he walked towards the wire door. 

"How long have you been in here?" I asked him, and a slightly puzzled expression crosses his features.

"Good question. How long has it been, I wonder. All I know is that I've been here for a very, very long time" He tells me and in my peripheral vision, a flash of green surrounds my eyes. He was telling the truth. After hearing his voice, I'm certain it was him calling for help.

"Are you a demon?" I asked the next question and his face turns into one of disgust.

"Don't be ridiculous. Just the thought of being one of them sends a shiver down my spine. I'm a human, just like you" While he spoke, my peripheral flashed red. He was lying, he really was a demon. Wait... Was he the youngest of the seven brothers? If he is, why is he up here?

"A demon imprisoned me here long ago, it was Lucifer. I assume you've met him" The face of the raven haired demon flashed in my mind and I felt a shiver go down my spine. Lucifer was the only demon I knew I should be afraid of. "Please (Y/n), you have to help me" How did he know my name? I never told him.

"How would I be able to help you" I asked him with slight caution. 

"Neither of us are able to open this door, because it's sealed with a very powerful form of magic. In order to break the seal, you need the consent of Lucifer and his six brothers" He says to me. I purse my lips in thought.

"I don't think the others know about it. So, in other words, I need to make a pact with each of them" I question, noticing a smile on his face grow. 

"Exactly. But I'd doubt they'd agree if they knew what you were trying to do. So you can't tell anyone. I think the best choice for you to start with is... Beelzebuz" He tells me and I close my eyes and take a breath.

Beel. So far I was getting along with him alright. And if this really was a demon; maybe he's the seventh brother. Being the youngest and second youngest, maybe they have a good connection with each other. Though, that would be odd considering how the other brothers treat each other. 

"I'll try my best" I tell him, smiling softly.

"I know you can do it" His voice was encouraging, but I couldn't help but shiver. It was almost like there was hidden, malicious tone to it. This was when I had left, making my way back to my room.

It genuinely felt like I was dragging my body. I was exhausted from the lack of sleep, but I didn't want to give into it. Though, my brain had different intentions as I laid down in bed, instantly succumbing to the darkness.

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