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"It took you long enough. When I call for you, you need to come right away. Don't walk, run. Like the way Henry races over when his best friend; the Lord of Shadows, calls for him. You saw the TSL DVD's, so you should know." Levi tells me once I walked into the room. It was a glass dome with planet like lights. 

"Yeah, he comes riding on that winged unicorn he won off of the Lord of Fools in a bet." I smiled in response, noticing his expression shift slightly, and only for a moment.

"Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying you and I are best friends. As if. Do you know why I called you here?" He asks me and I nod in response.

"Let's patch things up between us" I told him, noticing his expression change slightly.

"Patch things up?! We'd have to have been on good terms to begin with. I don't remember us ever being buddies. Not in the last 5000 years at least." He says and I purse my lips, my gaze meeting the ground. We don't have to be friends to patch things up. 

"Look, here's the thing. You remember why we had that competition, right? It was to see who the bigger TSL fan was. And If you won, I'd enter a pact with you. That trump card was a dirty trick" He tells me and I nod in response, taking a breath before meeting his gaze.

"I know. So I wanted to apologize." I started, catching him by surprise. "It was my fault for making you lash out like that." I told him honestly.

"But, you did have that pendant. Even knowing about it proves you're a super fan. So, even though the thought of it disgusts me, I'll do it. I'll make a pact with you." My eyes widened at his words. He was actually going to make a pact with me?

"Are you serious?" I question, causing him to let out a 'hmph' sound before agreeing. And with that, we had formed a pact.

"So, what's all this about anyways. Someone like you making a pact with me? You must have some kind of ulterior motive." He asks me, shifting his weight as he waits for an answer.

Why I want to make a pact? Well, the main reason it came up at all was that he'd be forced to lend me his limited edition TSL soundtrack. But now, another reason came up. I've become 'friends' I would say, with Mammon after making our pact. Maybe now that I have a pact with Levi, he'd be more inclined to be my friend.

"Well, to be honest, at first I did have an ulterior motive." I start, and I notice him about to say something, so I held my hand up. "But now, it's not the main reason why. Sure, it would be a plus, but it's not the main reason anymore" I explained.

"So, what's the reason now?" He questioned, and I noticed hesitance in his voice. I paused, feeling a slight heat rush to my face. Was I actually going to do this? Was I going to open myself up to another demon? No, I haven't really opened up to anyone yet. But... maybe.

"Well, maybe you'll take me seriously when I ask if you want to be friends." I told him with a smile, and I notice his immediately taken aback expression.

"A-a normie like you wants t-to be friends w-with me? B-but I'm a d-disgusting, shut in, introverted otaku" He says and I notice the pink tinting his cheeks, causing me to grin.

"Levi, remember when I got here, TSL was one of the only manga and anime I didn't recognize. And you say shut in, introverted otaku like it's a bad thing? If I could, I'd do exactly the same thing like I did in my world, watch a lot of anime" I told him, noticing his flustered face darken. His eyes darted everywhere but at me, and his head was slightly turned to the side.

"A-a-anyways. W-what was your other reason. The ulterior motive?" He stuttered out, bringing up the next topic.

"Well, I had already asked before, but I just wanted to borrow your TSL soundtrack. Now that I got into the series, I'm even more curious" I told him honestly, rubbing the back of my neck.

"Really? That?... ugh, fine. I'll let you borrow it, but you have to take extremely good care of it" he tells me and I feel a weight off of my chest. I actually got it. Now I could distract Lucifer with it.

"I promise" I tell him with a smile, ending off our conversation on a positive note.

I made my way back to my room, having agreed that he'd lend me the soundtrack tomorrow.

As I got back, I was greeted by Mammon, who had fallen asleep on my bed. Though, half of his body was hanging off of it. His top half. I wonder how blood isn't rushing to his head right now. Or maybe it is? Do demons even have blood? Wait, of course they do. They blush, so they must have blood.

"Help me" I cringed at the voice rang out. My gaze landed on Mammon, who didn't even stir. Can they even hear it?

"I'm almost able to meet you. I promise." I whisper as an attempt to reach them. Though, I knew they likely couldn't hear me.

A yawn escaped my lips, and shortly after it I froze. I hadn't slept in roughly 4 days, and I was starting to get tired. But Mammon was in my room, and I didn't want to sleep to wake up to nightmares again. But maybe I'll end up Lucid dreaming instead? That way I'd at least get some rest.

Should I take the chance and sleep? Or should I stay up.

You know what. Being tired tomorrow might get Lucifer to be more open about not guarding the stairway. I'm sure one more day couldn't hurt.

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