R.I.P my room

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I looked over the spines of each book, looking for one that would help me out the most. I hear the door to the library open, and I glance over to the person who just walked in. 

"(Y/n), I didn't expect to see you here" The blond demon says with his usual plastered on smile. 

"I'm not usually in here. I'll try not to bother you" I tell him with a smile, returning my gaze to the books on the shelf. After a bit more searching, I found a book with golden writing on the spine. It read 'Foundations of magic'. It seemed like a good place to start, and looking through the content, I found it was perfect. 

I brought it back to the center of the room, taking a seat opposite to the blond. I began reading through the introductions of each type of magic and it's uses. There were two I felt especially interested in, so I continued reading into them.

"You're learning magic?" Satan asked me, snapping me from my thoughts. I noticed he had closed the book in his hands, probably signifying he had finished reading.

"Y-yeah. If it has any possibility to help me survive this year, it wont hurt." I tell him with a nervous smile, noticing his expression slip slightly. Though, it was a very quick shift, and it was soon covered up. He leaves the room pretty soon after, leaving me to read in peace. 

I spent the rest of the day reading up on magic, and I was planning on staying there all night. But the text message from Mammon took me out of my thoughts. He wanted me to meet him in the kitchen. But don't get him wrong, 'cause it's totally not because he's scared of Lucifer catching him.

So I put away the books and made my way to the kitchen. I couldn't stop the feeling that something bad was gonna happen. But I guess there's always a chance something bad does happen.

"Took ya long enough" Were the words Mammon greeted me with as I walked into the kitchen. He complained about me taking too long before he started rummaging through the fridge.

"Ugh, there's nothin' good in here" He complained, looking through it. "Oh wait, what do we have here? It looks like a custard" He says, pulling out the small container of custard. He then turns to me and holds it out.

"Here, eat this. I need an accomplice to make sure I'm not the only one in trouble. " He says, holding it out to me. I notice the note on it and narrow my eyes slightly as I read it.

"It belongs to Beel. It says if we eat it, we'd die" I tell the demon here with me before taking a step back to shift my weight. "Plus, I'm not a custard person"

"Come on, you got to be seriously brave to eat it. So I'll admit you have guts if you eat it. So eat it, that's an order" He tells me, holding the custard out towards me.

"Why don't you eat it then? And shouldn't I be the one ordering you around?" I question, trying to stay away from the custard in his hand. 

"Weren't you listening to a thing I said. If I'm the only one eating this stuff, then I'll be the one in trouble." He says, completely ignoring my statement in regards to our pact. 

"I doubt I'd survive getting in trouble, Mammon. Just eat something that doesn't belong to Beel." I tell him, backing away once more. I knew me just being here made me an accomplice, but I'd rather not get on Beel's bad side. I have to make a pact with him, and I doubt he'd do that if I ate his food. I've seen how he gets in regards to food.

Though, just as I thought I was in the clear, Mammon took a spoon and shoved it in my mouth. I basically choked on the custard, turning away from the white haired male.

"Mammon, are you serious?" I ask him with a shocked expression, one of my hands holding the spoon and the other holding my sore throat. He just grins at me before looking through the fridge again. I wash the spoon and set it to dry before getting a cup of water to wash down the custard. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2022 ⏰

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