Back to old habits

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So all I have to do is win some anime trivia against Leviathan and I'll be able to get that limited edition soundtrack to give to Lucifer to distract him long enough for me to go to the attic. Why am I doing something so complicated? Couldn't I just go to the attic when Lucifer isn't home. Well, the second plan doesn't let me watch a new anime, so no thanks.

So for some reason; with Mammon beside me, we're just watching the entirety of TSL. I have no idea why Mammon decided to join me. But he's been kind of clingy since I made a pact with him, so I had gotten used to his company. He actually wasn't too bad. 

Except for the fact that he's been crying for the past hour because of the anime. Sure it was nice to have someone to watch anime with, but the white haired demon legitimately sobs as we watch. It wasn't too hard to tune out, until he starts clinging to my arm for dear life as he cries. I choose to; despite invading my personal space, ignore him and continue watching. I was going to need to focus if I wanted to win against Levi in a quiz about his favorite anime. 

Though, I couldn't help but draw quite a few parallels with the characters. Each of the seven lords seemed to correspond with one of the demon brothers. I could only guess for the youngest brother though, since I haven't met him yet. Henry was also an interesting character, though I found no parallels to him and anyone else. Which is a shame, he seemed like a cool character to know.

"--elp" I snapped out of my trance, looking around. The only person in the room was Mammon; who was currently bawling his eyes out and clutching my arm. I doubt he'd heard anything, so I just let out a breath and returned my eyes to the anime.

'I'm trying too. Just hold on' The words were to mainly reassure me but if it was all in my head, then maybe it would get the person to stop. It sucked though, because I constantly heard them. It was at least once a day and it started to bother me. I would often wonder if the others could hear them. Maybe I should test it.

I looked over at Mammon's current state. He probably wouldn't be able to answer me anyways, so I guess I should test it later.

Hours past and the anime was finally done. I had absorbed as many details as I could in that time, but it was currently close to 3am and I was getting exhausted. Mammon had already passed out an hour ago. He was actually sleeping in my bed, damn it. I guess I'm sleeping on the floor.

Before that though, I could really go for a glass of water. So I walk out of my room and make my way to the kitchen. I notice Beel was sitting in front of the fridge, eating the entirety of its contents. I didn't bother him and just grabbed myself a glass.

"Oh, (Y/n), you're awake" He points out, glancing back at me.

"Yeah, sorry to bother you" I say with a smile, filling the glass with water.

"I hope you don't want a midnight snack to" He says and I shake my head.

"Nope. I just wanted a glass of water" I say, holding up the cup in my head. He says nothing to this and I continue minding my own business.

"How are you liking it here?" He asks and I hear him close the fridge. Must be empty.

"It's pretty good. But I'm still trying to get used to it" I smile shyly, finishing the cup of water. I wash the glass and place it on the drying rack.

"That's good. My brothers can be a handful at times" he says and I nod in understanding. I was still living on edge since they could technically kill me at any moment.

"Do you hate me?" He asks and I look at him in surprise. Why was he asking something like that. Did he actually care about what I thought or not.

"Of course not. You haven't done anything to get me to hate you" I tell him with a small smile, turning my body to face him. 

"What about my brothers?" He asks and I pause in thought. Do I hate them? No, not at all. But it did get difficult with them sometimes.

"No. It's really hard for me to hate people. While they can be 'difficult' sometimes, I don't hate them" I tell him with a smile, and his expression seemed to relax a bit. He must hold family in high regard.

"I've been to nervous to ask this question, but I haven't met the 7th brother. I think he's the youngest."

"Ah you mean Belphegor. I haven't seen him around for a while now. Rumors say he and Lucifer got into a fight and that he was one of the transfer students to go to your world."

The image of the seventh brother pops into my head again. He was the youngest, right? So he must be closer to Beel in terms of age. I wanted to ask, but nervousness bubbled inside of me just thinking about it. 

"I'm going back to my room. Sorry if you came for a snack, but I emptied the fridge." He says, starting to walk out of the kitchen.

"Alright. Goodnight" I say with a small smile. He nods and walks out, leaving me to my thoughts. I really shouldn't ask about him. I don't know the brothers well enough to dive into their personal life. It would be wrong.

I walk back to my room, getting Belphegor out of my head and replacing it with TSL. I needed to win that competition tomorrow, even if I needed to play a little dirty.

After all, making someone lose their cool is the best way to win in an argument. You don't need to get mad if you're the one winning, after all.

This was more of a filler chapter, but I want to focus on building connections with the brothers outside of making pacts with them, just to make the flow of the story more natural. What do you guys think of the format of it. Should I continue to write like this, or focus on following the plot? 

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