Conspiring and a pact

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For some reason, I couldn't sleep tonight. It was like something was physically preventing my eyes from closing. This was normal, and very welcomed since it keeps me away from my nightmares or lucid dreams. 

As I was deep in thought, my D.D.D lit up from my nightstand, a notification going off. I turn to it to see a notification from Levi. Oh yeah, the frozen thing. I confirmed his statement and he told me to secretly meet him in the kitchen. Well, at least I have something to do now. And does he really still think of me as a normie?

I get out of bed and put on my hoodie over my tank top. Them being the clothes I originally came here with. Hopefully I can get a part time job soon.

I head to the kitchen when I hear someone eating. I tried to walk away, pretending I didn't notice him when I was caught.

"Ah, perfect timing. Do you have any food on you, because there's not nearly enough in this fridge." The male with orange hair asks me and I notice the fridge was empty. So he's Beelzebub, the Avatar of Gluttony.

"No, sorry" I tell him politely, and I swear I could hear him mumble that he's hungry under his breath, a sad look crossing his face.

"Anyways, what are you doing in the kitchen so late?" He asks me and I remember the message I got.

"I was having difficulty sleeping, so I decided to get some water." I said in a calm voice. He looks at me, then at the fridge and then back at me.

"Don't tell me you were hungry too. Because if someone else was looking for food, there'd be less for me" Note to self, never separate him from his food or I would likely die. I had a surprisingly strong urge to ask him about something that's been on my mind, but decided against it. There must be a reason I don't know about him.

After a bit, he leaves to look for more food, mentioning something about Lucifer's hidden poison apple. I guess Lucifer likes poison apples? Good to know... I guess?

"Hey... psst..." I remember the person I was here to meet and turned towards the source of the sound.

"Why are you hiding in there?" I ask him as he gets out of his hiding spot.

"What do you think. Beel was just here. I can't have him finding me here with you" Okay, feeling really attacked right now.

"So, is it true that he used the word frozen?" I mean, he said froze but same difference. My eyes glance towards the freezer in realization. There's no way he'd actually freeze the card, right?

Actually, even demons, that's exactly what a sibling would do.... here I go again down memory lane. I need to stop doing that.

After a bit of searching, Levi finally found the card suspended in a solid block of ice. I looked at it, kind of impressed. He then put it in the microwave before I could warn him. Suddenly, the demon he was conspiring against showed up. Could he sense his credit card or something?

"What's with that racket. Wait, that in the microwave... THAT LOOKS LIKE GOLDIE, MY CREDIT CARD!" He says in realization and I look at him with genuine confusion. He... he named his credit card...

After the two brothers bicker for a bit, Leviathan tells Mammon to make a pact with me in exchange for his credit card. After a little bit longer, Mammon finally makes a pact with me in exchange for the card. It didn't even take that much effort. All Levi had to do was threaten to call Lucifer and next thing I knew I had a pact. Like promised, Mammon got his card back.

After a bit more walking around, I went back to my room. I laid down on my bed and looked up. I still wasn't tired, but I had nothing to do. My mind started to wander again, today's events flashing in my mind. There was a reoccurring theme in a few of them that tied into a question I wanted to ask. But to be honest, I was worried about asking.

My thoughts caused time to fly by, and by the time I snapped out of it, it was already time I should be getting ready. So, got ready and went down for breakfast at the same time I went yesterday.

As I got to the table, I could hear Asmodeus laughing. I had a feeling news of what happened already hit them. Did Leviathan tell them? Or are pacts something they can just sense. Whatever, Mammon wasn't here yet, so they could talk all they wanted.

"I have to say I'm surprised. I never thought an average human like you could make a pact with Mammon, not this fast. I guess they really did know what they were doing when they picked you for the exchange program, huh?" He said with a charming smile, and I just kind of looked at him oddly. If I wasn't aware of his position as avatar of Lust, I would of probably fallen for him or been more trusting. He gave off a similar, but stronger energy to Lamia. Which made sense. Still, I don't trust him like I trust her. I wonder why.

"I still can't believe I managed it." I said honestly, remembering the surprise I was in at how quickly he had changed his mind yesterday.

"There's no need to be humble about it. We're not upset. Honestly, we think it's pretty funny." The blond male; Satan, tells me. I think about how wrong he took it. I wasn't being humble.

"All I know is that I finally got Mammon to give me back my money. There's no better outcome. Epic win for Leviathan!" He seemed to not have a care in the world about it. And he was speaking like he just won a gaming match, which makes sense I guess.

"You know, it's surprising enough that (Y/n) made a pact with Mammon. But what's more surprising is the team up with Levi that made it happen. Don't you think?" Asmodeus asks the blond, who agrees with him.

"Yup, I'd never thought I'd see the day that a human won over Levi, but here we are." Satan agreed with him, and Leviathan tried to defend himself. I just let out a quiet sigh and sunk into my seat, hoping that this exchange ends quickly.

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