Leviathan; The Avatar of Envy

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My heart raced as several different eyes landed on me, curious as to what Mammon and I had been planning. Satan grinned at the fact I had listened to his advice to bring a secret weapon. I reached around my neck and unclasped one of the two chains. I held it up in my hand; revealing the pendant that had been hidden under my uniform shirt.

The single wing pendant hung from the matching chain, and I saw Levi's eyes widen as a result. He begins mumbling to himself about the pendant, before the others begin to decide that since I owned the limited edition pendant; something even Levi didn't have, I was the bigger TSL fan.

I have a feeling Levi was seeing red at this point, as he began lashing out at me. He had gone into his demon form; yelling at me that there was no way I was the bigger fan. Calling me awful things relating to the fact that I was a human. I had frozen in place as he yelled at me, having already lowered and put the pendant away. I never took yelling well, and my instant reaction was to freeze, then turn into people pleasing behavior. 

As he was about to attack me, Mammon's words rung in my head. If a demon tries to attack you, run. But something told me I wouldn't be able to run. I turned my gaze towards Mammon; who tried to rush in, but had tripped and fell. 

Just as I thought I was going to die, something happened. A figure stood in front of me, the familiar raven hair pairing with six matching wings. I was able to instantly figure out who it was.

"You're out of control, Levi. Go back to you're room and cool off" Lucifer told the purple haired male, who remained silent. The air in the room had gone from extremely tense to awkward. 

"Levi, you heard what he said" Diavolo came in, coming to stand by Lucifer's side. Levi mumbles something before leaving the room.

"What is it, Mammon? You look like you want to say something." The raven haired demon asked the white haired demon, who paused for a moment before speaking,

"...No, I don't wanna say nothin'." He tells the eldest male.

"How are we going to continue the competition without Levi?" Asmo complained.

"I guess this means the competition ended in a draw. Neither of them won" Diavolo tells us, and I take a breath before nodding to myself. It was better like this. I played dirty, so I deserve to end it like this.

"Still, I have to say it's surprising to go out of your way just to rescue a mere human, Lucifer. Very surprising" Satan tells the eldest brother.

"As the eldest, it's my duty to clean up my brother's messes" He says, and I found my gaze falling to the ground. Not only that, but if something were to happen to an exchange student; it could ruin the entire program. He didn't save me out of kindness, he did it to save the program.

Soon after, I returned the pendant to Solomon, and I found myself wandering in the school gardens. It wasn't much, but it was still pretty. Since it was also after school, it was quite peaceful. 

"Hey (Y/n)!" A voice called out, causing me to glance back. My eyes caught the familiar crimson locks as they ran up beside me.

"Hey Lamia" I greeted before allowing myself to fall back into my thoughts.

"Are you alright? You seem shaken" She tells me, causing me to nod.

"Yeah. I guess I just realized how much power a demon has" I told her with a weak smile, and her eyes widened.

"What happened?" She asked, covering her mouth slightly as she did.

"I made Leviathan mad. He almost killed me" I explained, watching her eyes widen further. 

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