He knows

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I shot up from my covers in a cold sweat. A shiver went through my body as I threw the covers off. Standing from the bed, I glanced at the time.


I make my way to my washroom and hop into the shower, doing my usual routine before walking out. I dry off and brush my hair before grabbing my school uniform. I put it on and walk out the door. I doubt breakfast is ready, so I'll just buy something from the school.

I get to the dining hall and who do I see but Lucifer. He notices me and walked over with a smile. Though, I instantly know that it's fake.

"Good morning (Y/n). I have to say I didn't get a minute of sleep last night. I stayed up all night listening to that soundtrack." He tells me, causing me to smile and nod slightly. My peripheral flashed green, but I didn't really need it, and I got used to tuning it out.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it that much. I apologize it kept you up. but I hope it was a good enough way of repaying you" I told him, keeping up my lie.

"I would say it was. It was a good way to satisfy both of our curiosity" I nearly froze at his words. He knew I went up there. He left the room, walking towards the main hall. I stood there, frozen.

I took a breath and shook my head, snapping myself out if my dazed state. Of course he knew about it. But it doesn't matter. Now he knows and I don't plan on going back up there until I make pacts with the others.

I walked out of the house of Lamenation, making my way to RAD. I ran into Solomon inside, and he made me stop to talk to him. I didn't really mind too much though. He was the only other human here.

"(Y/n), I thought you might want this" he says, holding out a book. I looked at it oddly before taking it from him. It was a leather cover with slightly yellow tinted paper. I opened it to see the pages were blank. It was a notebook?

"If you wanted to learn magic, you should write your spells in here. I put a protection circle on it so only you can open it" he tells me and I glance from him back to the book in my hands.

"What's the catch?" I question, looking back up at him. I notice his expression falter slightly.

"What do you mean?" He asks innocently, though I narrow my eyes at him.

"Nothing good in this world is free, Solomon. You need something from me" I say to him bluntly, and I notice a gleam in his eye at my words.

"You caught me. All I want is to test a transfer spell on you"

"A transfer spell?"

"It would let you use my magic. I'm curious to see how it would play out" he tells me and I purse my lips before nodding.

"Alright, when do you want to test it?" I question, tightening my grip on the book slightly.

"I don't have a particular day, but you have to do it when I want, alright" he says to me, and I look down at the book once more. For some reason, I felt drawn to it.

"Deal" I say to him, and with that, we separate to our own classes. I kept the book in my bag, though I did feel the urge to write in it. I should start researching magic to find what I'm drawn to. I assume I'll get a similar feeling to the one I get when I see that book.

Class went by fairly quickly, and it was soon lunch. Lamia had messaged me saying she wasn't going to be at school today, so I decided to eat lunch with Mammon; though, which was kind of unusual since I normally use lunch to escape the clingy male. 

We were using one of the empty classrooms to have lunch. By we, I meant Mammon, Beel and I. I don't know why, but Beel's been hanging around me since our last conversation in the kitchen. But it's alright, he's pretty fun to hang around. 

"This is amazing! Nothing beats a fried scorpion sandwich with vinegar and tartar sauce for a late morning snack." Mammon said with a grin, not even registering the fact that Beel had even showed up.

"Gah! Beel, st-stop it! This is mine! Don't look at my food like that! It's like you're devouring it with your eyes!" Mammon says as he instantly gets protective over his food. After pausing for a moment, he speaks.

"I don't want it" Beel says, and for some reason this really triggers Mammon.

They bicker for a while longer until Beel ends up eating the sandwich, completely unknown to Mammon until it's too late. Although, Mammon; which trying to get Beel to pay for the food he ate, he did something I didn't expect.

He 'Grr'ed'. Like, Mammon made a 'Grrr' sound. Honestly, I don't think I've ever heard something that cute before. It was something I could tease the white haired demon with later.

"Hey (Y/n), don't just sit there watching! Say somethin' to Beel!" Mammon tells me, trying to get me on his side. I looked between the two of them, then looked back at Mammon.

"I mean, it is technically your fault. He wasn't going to take it until you told him you didn't make it" I told the white haired male, who looked at me with a betrayed expression. 

The two got back to bickering; well, Mammon was yelling at the orange haired demon, who just spoke about how the sandwich tasted. I glanced away from the two and my eyes landed on the two angels, who just walked in.

"Hey, you three. It's so nice to see how well you get along." Simeon says to us, walking inside the room.

"Wha? Are ya blind, Simeon?! Can't you see we're ready to kill each other here?!" Mammon says, and that's when Luke steps forward.

"Don't you dare speak to Simeon like that, demon! Show some respect" He says to Mammon, who looked over at him and rose a brow before realization crossed his face.

"Ah, Fido. It's you. I didn't even realize you were there." He tells the blond angel, who now had a frustrated expression.

"My name isn't Fido, it's Luke! Can't you get that through your head? Or are you as stupid as you are rude?!" Luke exclaimed, losing his patience with the second eldest.

"Mmhm, whatever. Do you ever stop yippin' and yappin'?" He says, placing his arm on top of the short angel.

As Mammon continues to bother Luke, Simeon and I share a glance. I motion to the two with a confused expression, and the taller angel nods in response.

"Mammon, I know how cute Luke is when he's frustrated, but I think you've harassed him enough. I'd appreciate it if you'd stop" Simeon tells the demon, who retracts his arm from the blond's head.

"It's so hard not to, though. He's just so funny... Isn't that right, Beel?" The white haired demon asked the second youngest, who just looks at the blond angel.

"I bet he tastes good" He says bluntly. I look at the orange haired demon oddly as Luke retaliates.

"I am NOT funny! And I don't taste good, either!" He complained

"So what is it you angels want? I know you must want somethin'. Otherwise you wouldn't just walk up and strike up a conversation with us outta nowhere." Mammon asks, and he brought up a good point. 

"Ah yes, right. I almost forgot. We're planning to go on a camping trip soon. We thought it would be a good way to get have fun and to get to know each other. And that's why I'm here to invite you." Simeon tells us. It seemed like a fun idea. However, Mammon didn't think the same and started talking about how how it seems like a drag.

"What do you think about this camping thing, (Y/n)?" Mammon asked me, making the angels turn their attention to me. I shrug with a smile.

"It seems pretty fun" I say.

"We'll, just keep in mind that we're going camping and that you're invited." Simeon says, and he soon excuses himself to answer a phone call. Luke soon follows after, but not before the memory of his warning flashes through my mind.

'Never trust a demon'

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