An Otaku's Revenge

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Levi looked around the halls before walking inside his room with me following behind. He closes his door and I can't help but marvel at his room. It had such a pretty under water theme with a bunch of anime merchandise put away neatly in his room. I couldn't help but recognize the familiar titles, a giddy feeling arising.

"What are you looking at human?" Levi follows my gaze, which landed on a rather large manga. The tales of the seven Lords: The Lord of Shadow Awakens. One of the manga's I didn't recognize, so it caught my attention.

"Wait, that's The Tales of the Seven Lords. Are you a fan of that too?" He questions, and I turn my gaze to him. I let out a nervous smile.

"It's one of the titles I hadn't heard of yet, which is rare for me. What's it about?" I ask him, genuinely curious about it. He looks at me like I've grown two more heads, before realizing I had asked him about it. His eyes light up again as he explains a bit of it and then recommends what I should start with and what I should watch, also giving his opinion it.

After maybe 10 minutes, we get off the topic of TSL and Levi began explaining his genius plan of how I could help him get his money back from Mammon. So, I needed to find Mammon's credit card and use it to make a pact with him? Alright, that shouldn't be too hard. Even if they're demons, they're all still siblings. I don't think they'd do anything drastic to the card. If it was my sibling, I'd hide it somewhere stupid.

My sibling... That's a memory I didn't want to bring up.

I shake the thought away as I lay in my new bedroom. Levi had lead me here after explaining his plan and I've just been in here thinking. The very thought of it was bizarre to me. Humans had the power to control demons with a pact and no matter what, they could not go against it. It was a fascinating concept to me. I've never been too much into this stuff, but now I was really curious. I would probably try to learn about it on my own time.

I stood up from my bed reluctantly, not really wanting to get up from the soft mattress. Making my way to the bathroom, I place my hands on the sink counter and look at my reflection in the mirror. Nothing about me has changed physically, I just look tired. 

I still couldn't believe I wasn't dreaming. But I've tried every test to see if it was just a lucid dream; like I was prone too. But everything pointed to reality. Nothing was hazy or blurry, I felt pain if I pinched myself and I could read perfectly fine. So it was reality. I guess I was still in denial of it though.

I turn on the faucet and wash my face. After splashing my face with water a few times, I turned off the faucet and paused, my eyes closed any water dripping from my face. I grab the towel to my right and dry off. I look back at my reflection, the only change being a slight pink tint to my skin. Taking another breath, I hang up the towel and walk out into the bedroom. I might as well explore it.

The first place I looked was my closet. As I expected, it was empty except for a school uniform. There were a few different sized female uniforms, and I cringed at the sight of the skirt. Hopefully I could get some leggings soon, but who knows.

I continued to look around the room, finding a few books of different genres. I also found an empty notebook and some other school supplies. I guess they only gave me the essentials. 

After deciding against reading, I grabbed my D.D.D and looked through it. After a while, I came across DevilTube. I guess it was like YouTube? I got curious and searched through songs I knew and was pleasantly surprised to see several different playlists on songs I knew. Until I could afford a music app, this had to do. I compiled my own compilation and let the songs play. 

I looked out the window as time passed, my thoughts and worries removing themselves as I lay my eyes on the incredibly beautiful sky. Sure, it wasn't a big window, but it was enough for me to see how magnificent it was. Maybe in the future I'll be able to look at it from a much better view. 

I wasn't sure when I drifted off to sleep. I was sure it was late, because of the nipping cold that seemed to flood the room. I guess instead of what most humans thought, the Devildom was actually quite cold at night, and a decent temperature during the day.

I fought against sleep, but exhaustion ended up winning and my eyes closed, an image of a moon flashing for a moment behind my eyelids before I was dragged into the darkness.

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