Friendship and truth

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"Wasn't that fun (Y/n)?" Lamia asks me as she takes me back to the house of Lamenation. She also doesn't trust me to get back safely; which I don't blame her for. We had actually recently finished the photo shoot, and I guess I'm one of their official model's now? They really wanted me to go back, so looks like I have a permanent job now. Also, I got to keep some of the clothes, especially since most of them are custom tailored, so they're pretty much made for me. So now I have more clothes.

"In all honesty, it really was." I smiled at the red head, who's eyes lit up with pride when I said that. I giggled at her expression as we continued to walk. We continue to talk about a lot or random stuff, a smile on her face as she fan girls over some male models I met.

"Oh, that reminds me" She said as I can see the dorms in the distance. What reminds her, we were talking about guys.

"Here, it's wont give you all the wisdom in the world, but it will help you detect truths and lies." She tells me as she puts a box in my hand. I open it to reveal a necklace. It had a wire wrapped (f/c) gemstone. I looked at it curiously as she helped me put it on.

"It's like a lie detector. You'll be able to know immediately if someone is lying to you." She tells me and I look down at the pendant.

"A-are you sure? W-what's the catch?" I question her, looking at her with a skeptical expression. She holds up her hands and smiles kindly.

"It will help you survive. All I want is for you to keep coming back for modeling." She tells me and I let out a sigh. We continue to talk and we finally reach my destination. I wave her goodbye and walk inside. It wasn't too late, but by now there would probably one hour left until dinner. 

I made my way to my room and hung up the new clothes in my closet. I got changed into jeans and my hoodie. I let down my hair and took off the makeup I had on for the shoot. I took out work from my school bag and finished it quickly.

Dinner passed as normal and afterwards I went back to my room. My mind went back to the attic as I grabbed a book from the shelf. I sat down on my bed and opened the first page.

What was Lucifer hiding up in that attic. There had to be something, because nothing else would explain why he was so protective of it. I remember the feeling of hearing his voice, the sinking feeling in my chest. His voice was cold and unfriendly, but what did I expect.

'Never trust a demon, especially if that demon is Lucifer.'

I wonder how much truth the bible held. I mean, I'd assume they were all angels at one point. I wonder what caused them to fall from grace. Did they go against the creator for power, or was something else the cause of it.

I stop my train of thought and looked back at the book. I needed to focus. That voice that was in the attic, it wasn't the one from my dream, so I knew it was real. I needed to know who it was. I needed to help them, I don't care if they're human, demon or angel.

I decided I would pass the time by reading, then go there about an hour after I had last night. Maybe time was a factor.

I left my room and decided to walk around the building for a bit. My footsteps were quiet, almost nonexistent. It was dark and rather cold. I got a much better view of the night sky from outside of my room, and it was so much prettier then the one back home.

As I made my way towards the staircase to the attic, I felt the temperature drop further. He had to be near, he just had to be. I got even closer to the stairs and that's when he show'd himself. The stairs weren't even in sight.

"What's going on (Y/n)? Out for a stroll? I keep running into you here, don't I? You seem to be rather curious about what's at the top of these stairs. " He continues speaking until something he says catches my attention.

"Perhaps I should make you some tea? Something that would help you get a good night's sleep. You should probably know that it's a bit too effective on humans, to the point you may find that you never wake up." Before he could continue speaking, I put a perfectly plastered on smile and look him in the eyes.

"I apologize, but I was trying to find a place for fresh air. I have no intention of going to the attic. However, that specific tea sounds lovely. With the sweet release of death over sleep, sounds amazing. Could you guarantee it kills me? I wouldn't want to go back to sleep to face the hellish nightmares that await me every night. It really sucks, reliving the death of the person I care about the most in my life almost every time I close my eyes. I don't know if there's someone you've ever felt a similar way towards, so I'm sure you can't relate. But I'd love to meet them if there is an afterlife." I say to him with a kind and honest sounding tone. I notice his eyes widen ever so slightly as a memory flashes in my mind. My lip quivers and tears fill my eyes. 

Without another word I walk back to my room, the smile not leaving my face. Only when I close my door does it drop. I let out a shaky breath as I wipe away my tears before they spill. I go to my bed and take the book in my hand, not wanting to sleep. Would this be my second night without sleep? Perfect.

As morning comes, I get dressed and make my way down to breakfast. There, the only demon I see is Mammon. A slight relief fills me, as I don't want to even think of Lucifer after what I said. I guess my sleep deprivation makes me very confident.

Mammon complains about me as I eat the interesting food, slowly becoming used to it. I was genuinely surprised no one was here. I guess they've already gone to class, which I guess makes sense. But it was still really early. I zoned out of what Mammon was talking about, until I decided to ask him about the attic. It was clear Lucifer was hiding something, or someone. The idea that he could be hiding someone in there scared me. 

I didn't get a clear answer from Mammon, and complained about me sticking my nose in things that aren't my business. I just couldn't help the sinking feeling I got when I thought about it. I wasn't going to just sit around if there really is someone calling out for help. All I knew is that I needed to figure out what was up there, even if it meant getting myself killed.

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