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Chapter 41 |

S A V A Y | S U A R E Z

"I don't know why you like these damn polar bear fur ass eyelashes," Sydney mumbled

I laughed swatting her hand away so she wouldn't poke me in the eye. "They not even that long."

"Whatever. & How you want your make-up?"

"I want each eye-shadow pink or blue. I should do an ombré on both eyes?"

"Ombré." Sydney & Gina said in unison

I nodded, "Then do that."

Gina squealed, "So Savvy, I got you this dope ass dress."


"Blue, duh."

I huffed putting it on as Gina snapped pictures. I smiled happily as it hugged my stomach showing that I was almost ready to pop.

"Okay. Hair check, dress check, Make-up check. Now..."

"Shoes." Sydney nodded

"Oh. I got some myself." I got up going to get my clear white sandals as rim-stones covered the straps.

"Ohhhh, cute. Yes. 5 minutes until it's time for you to go downstairs. We'll wait for you down there."

They got up grabbing their phones. I looked into the mirror looking at myself taking in what I saw. I've begun to love myself over the past few days. I love who I am, of course, everyone needs growth so being perfect isn't something I'm worried about.

Knowing that I'm about to be someone's mother made me realize I don't have time for childish games or attitudes anymore. My mother always told me the child you are, will be the child you have. Now I believe that, but of course, My child is going to look at what I do so why not give them a positive outcome.

A chill went through my body knowing the time is almost here. Even though I & Orlando are not on the best terms, I know he'll be the best father ever to mankind. Three knocks came to the door. I turned to see Orlando smiling gently.

"You look beautiful, as always."

I smiled, "Not to bad yourself there." He was wearing a blue Rugrats hoodie and black jeans. His blue Balenciagas took over the outfit along with his blue skully on his head.

I pointed, "I'm guessing we both want a boy?" He nodded smiling.

"I got a surprise downstairs for you." I started to walk out before he blocked my way.

"I want to apologize for what I did & said. I know I can be controlling at times. But that's only because I love you, really in love with you. This is a new thing for both of us. You're the second best thing that happened to me, behind our child." He chuckled as I smiled

"I'm afraid to lose you. I'm afraid of becoming my father and not being-

"Stop right there. You'll be nothing like your father. I know you'll be the father that you needed and that any child deserves." I noted

I grabbed his collar kissing his lips as he smiled through it. He caressed my face pulling me closer but it quickly ended because of my stomach. We both laughed as he bit his lips.

"I have been missing you... missing this." He mumbled

"I know. Can't deny that I feel the same."

He grabbed my hand as we walked downstairs. Tony saw us and clapped his hands. "Run me my money big dawg." He walked over putting his hand out.

Orlando huffed pulling out a 50 slapping it into his hand. "Nice doing business with ya partna'."

"What y'all bet on?"

"If y'all was getting back together or not today. & as you can see I won." Tony cheesed pointing to our hand being inter-whined.

"Where's my present?" I smirked at Orlando

He had an unreadable expression, he leads me towards the kitchen. My father stood in front of me with his wife as his eyes glowed smiling.

"My baby having a baby. Dear god." He mumbled coming closer

I smiled as he hugged me tightly whispering how he was sorry and was going to make sure he made it up to me. I nodded ignoring it since I was tired of everyone saying sorry today. Heard that shit about 20 times in only 5 minutes.

Miranda had a gift in her hand as she shyly pushed it my way. "Hey congratulations, you look so beautiful. I got you something."

I smiled hugging her, "Thank you. I'm glad you both came. What do you want it to be?"

"A girl." They said in unison

We all laughed as Gina grabbed my hand. "Come on to the backyard. Time to know the genderrrrr!" She squealed

"Gina, wait. Damn, I can't run that fast no more." I laughed

Orlando grabbed my hand as everyone gathered around. Sydney cleared her throat, "Okay. We all decided to make this baby shower a little more interesting. So if you want a girl come to this side & boy on the other."

"Y'all acting like this is y'all, damn baby." Orlando chuckled

Sydney instructed everyone where to go and the rules. Whoever team didn't win and then pay the other side. 20 dollars each.

"Okay, y'all ready?" She smiled

We both nodded holding the needle, "Okay. 1...2...3!"

As the glittered popped, the right side of the yard screamed in happiness. Orlando jumped up and down.

"YESSSS!!, I'M ABOUT TO HAVE A BABY BOY!" He grabbed my face kissing me hard as I smiled happily.

My daddy walked towards Tony slapping 20 dollars in his hand growling. Tony juked while fanning the money.

"70 dollars just from being smart, yes please."

Sydney scoffed, "Nigga. From being... what?"

"Um, smart."

"Whatever helps you sleep better." She laughed as he flicked her off.

Miranda came over pouting while slightly laughing, "I wanted to help with doing hair. But once again, congratulations. I'm so happy for you."

I grabbed her hand thanking her. My father came over, "I see this pregnancy as gotten the good side of you out permanently."

I dusted my shoulders, "Yeah. I can't wait when one of those teachers try my son so I can pop up at the school shutting shit down."

He laughed kissing my temple, "You a fool."

Orlando came over wrapping his arms around my waist. "You happy."

"Very. Thank you."

"For what?"

"Nigga without you I wouldn't be pregnant."

He laughed, "Oh shit yeah."

God, please get my son here. I miss him already and he ain't even here yet.

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