Suprise Suprise Part 2 - Bucky Barnes

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Word Count - 1171
Warnings - uh blood and like gory shit
Summary - Bucky has a little run-in with the past and you decided what you're going to do in the future
A/n - SO I POST A FUCKING ONESHOT WEDNESDAY BUT OH HO HO WATTPAD WAS A BITCH AND DISNT POST BUT INSTEAD DELTED IT. AS YOU CAN TELL IM NOT HAPPY. But for the most part I'm fine, sorry this is really over due, but I decided instead of trying to re-write the request I finally wrote the part two for Suprise Suprise, and let me tell ya, I'm very proud of it.

Bucky P.O.V
Going in was easy, but as I neared the room I knew where Y/n was held captive, I could feel my heart pound. I could hear the blood rushing in my own veins, it was loud, like waves crashing against the sand but it didn't stop, only making me panic more.

Stop. I need to make this right. I have to save her, I have to save them.

I pushed forward and fought harder, any remaining guards bulled down whether it be by my hands or my gun. As soon as the last guard dropped, I heard the soft click of a lock and then the loud creak of the metal door opening in front of me. Heels clicked against the concrete echoing out from the room. I could see her silhouette, the swishing of her white coat before she was in front of me. A manic grin spread across her face with dark empty eyes staring back at me.

"Record timing, Soldat. 3 minutes off your last run, it seems being with the avengers wasn't such a set back was it?" She chuckled coldly.

"Where is she?" I tried not to scream, to run over to her and break her thin fucking neck. It'd be so easy too.

"Safely on her way to the Avengers compound, where her co-workers will find her- untouched of course." She walked a few steps closer, knowing how bad I want her blood coating this entire hallway.

"How did you know I would come?" She giggled and stepped right in front of me, her hand gliding up my arm as she leaned forward.

"You always come." I gritted my jaw as I looked down at her, catching her double meaning. She inhaled deeply with closed eyes before opening them back up and staring at me.

"I've missed you, Soldat," She said almost softly. I had nothing to say to her. She missed me? Right.

"Bucky, we've got her." Steve echoed in my ear. I closed my eyes in relief briefly before opening them back up and staring down at the woman in front of me.

"Times up, Lauren." She stepped back confused.


"Did you really think I would believe that you just sent her back. No, you were never that easy and after what happened last time, I don't think you would be that nice." I watched as her eyes widened with anger and her mouth turned into a sneer.

"How dare you-"

"How dare I? Please, you knew this would happen."

"It was never supposed to be her, it was supposed to be me!" Her arm flew behind her and she pulled a large combat knife out from behind her. She ran towards me, her arm high and ready to strike. I grabbed her and slammed her into the wall. She dropped the knife on impact, but I caught it and swiftly pushed the blade up through her ribs and straight into a lung.

Her eyes seemed to die of all fight as she looked down at the handle sticking out of her in shock. I knew the moment blood started to fill up her lung when her hand clawed at her throat and blood started to trickle out of her mouth while she coughed and sobbed for air. Her legs began to weaken and she suddenly dropped and slouched to the side, blooding pooling from her side and mouth as any life let her dead eyes.


Y/n P.O.V

That stupid beeping noise was getting real fucking annoying as I woke up. I felt around on my arm and took out the needle before taking the heart monitor off my finger. The constant shrill ring from not finding a heartbeat filled the room. That seemed to wake the piece of shit sleeping beside me.

Bucky shot up and looked around before his eyes landed on me, leaning over the bed and unplugging the stupid machine so I could finally have some peace and quiet.

"You're awake." He smiled and he looked at me.

"Quit looking at me like that or I'll claw your fucking eyes out." I spit, but Bucky didn't stop, he only continued and shook his head a little before calling for a nurse.

After a doctor had briefed me on taking care of myself as well as the baby, it was only me and Bucky, and boy was it fucking awkward.

"I -."

"Don't say a fucking word, James."

"But I-,"

"But nothing, I don't want to fucking hear it. I don't want to hear anything you have to say to me." It was quiet after that. At least for a little bit.

"It's a girl." My head snapped to him in shock.


"They said its a girl."

"B-But I was only a few weeks-"

"With my altered genetic code, the progression of the pregnancy has sped up quite a bit, and they said it's only going to get faster with all the major systems that are fully finished." It was only then I realized how big my belly had gotten. I looked at least 4 months in.

"I'm so sorry." Bucky's voice was weak and hoarse. Stored emotion heavy on every syllable that left his mouth. I just kept looking at my belly, rubbing it softly.

"I'm so fucking sorry." He breathed out and pulled at his hair as he looked down at the ground. Probably further punishing himself with his mind, telling himself how much of a monster he was and how it was all his fault. I already knew.

"I don't forgive you, and I probably never will. I mean you slept with my fucking best friend for Christ's sake..." I trailed off, trying to forget, trying not to remember every possible fucking detail.

"I know your sorry, that much is clear." I looked over at him. His eyes were red and teary, he looked so freaked out yet so calm at the same time. It always amazed me how he could do that. I sighed and looked away, staring intensely now at my stomach.

"I know what it's like to grow up without a dad, so I won't do that to my baby. But we aren't going to run off and get married and pretend like this never happened. It did happen and I don't think I could ever be with you like that again." I left it like that. I didn't want to think about it anymore. Before I even knew what myself was doing, I reached over and yanked Bucky by the hand closer to me.

I placed his huge hand on my belly and sighed, my own hand next to his. He looked shocked, surprised I did that, but he was happy, and as his thumb rubbed gently over my stomach I looked at him. He looked so fucking happy. He went through what any normal man could probably never and even after him cheating on me, I still felt bad for the bastard.

I looked away and back to our hands.

He deserves this.

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