5 : The Popularity

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It feels like the world is turned upside down. Just before, BTS is in crisis and now they're like the nation sensation. After their first win, followed by the second, third, and further win, they got a lot of invitation to music event and even variety show, making it's harder for Y/N to see her brother.

She haven't seen him again after the concert. She know that he's busier now and what she can do is just text him daily to give him comfort. She remember her heart broke seeing his replied a few days back. He said that he haven't got that much sleep and his body starts to break. But he make sure not to worried her too much.

Good news come as Big Hit invited all of the BTS member family to the congratulatory party that they helding to celebrate the first win. Y/N excited but at the same time worried. Excited because she's gonna see her brother soon. But then she realized the other member of BTS gonna be there. Their family member is gonna be there. Yoongi's gonna be there. Eunjin, Geongmin, and Dawon's gonna be there.

It will be their first encounter after she confessed to the girls about having a crush on him. What if they suddenly confess about her crush in front of the rest of BTS member? Y/N shook her head. No, it's gonna be a big party, especially with all of the staff, and there's a little possibility she'll meet Yoongi anyway. So she doesn't have to worried about it no more.


It's the day of the party and Y/N decided to wear a cute dress. It is a party after all and it's seems that it's not appropriate to wear casual clothes.

The party starts at 7 pm

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The party starts at 7 pm. It's 6.30 and Y/N already arrived with her parents. Sadly, Seokjung couldn't come. As the went in the building, her gaze notice at the group of girls talking to each other. Y/N excused herself as her parents start to talk with the other parents.

Y/N tapped the shoulder of one of the girls.

"Hey! You're here!" Geongmin hugged Y/N

The girls start to talk, catching up about their life. Mostly about how their friends are all a fans of BTS now. Not all of their friends know that they're a sibling of BTS member, but they feel really proud whenever they hear people talk about how amazing BTS is.

The party is held in a big hall and there's a lot of staff. Y/N sigh in relief. It means that there's low possibility to meet Yoongi there. But she wanted to meet her brother and there's a high possibility that he's gonna be with the boy.

Y/N gaze start to roam around the hall, searching for a particular boy. But soon she sigh as she doesn't found it.

The lights began to dim and focused on one particular space. And there Y/N saw it. All the boys and Bang PD nim standing in the center of the room. Bang PD nim began his speech, followed with the boys. They talk about how they can't achieve all of that without all of the people in this hall right now.

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