16 : Passion

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Y/N hold her breath. She bit her lips as she contemplating her action. She is now standing in front of her house door. It's been 5 minutes since she contemplating on opening it or not. She took a deep breath before she took her hand to the door knob and start to open it.

She cursed in her breath as she saw the view of her mother, father, and oldest brother are sitting on the sofa of their living room. They noticed her presence as her mom start to ran up to her.

"Y/N my child! How is it? Why you go home so early? How's the test?"

"Mother, please give her a break. I think she's exhausted enough" Seokjung said.

"You're right. Come my daughter I'll find some snack for you"

Y/N mother start to push her to go sit next to her brother and father in the living room as she go to the kitchen to find some snack. It didn't take a long time before her mother start to bring fruits in the table.

"So my child, how is it?" Y/N father asked her.

Seokjung tilt his head, he noticed that there's something wrong with his sister. He's not that close to her as Seokjin is but he guess that siblings still can feel each other emotion well.

Y/N bit her lips as she hang her head down. She start to sweat even with an air conditioner in the living room. She gulps before she look up. As she look up, she met her eyes with 3 pair of one who's looking at her.

"Mother.." Y/N look at her mother.

"Father..." she turned to her father.

"Seokjung oppa.." and lastly she turned her head to her brother.

The three pair of eyes just watching her, waiting for her next words. She gulps before she continued "I.. I have something to say. And I.. I'll receive any consequences from it"

The three family member are now glancing at each other with confused look on their faces as they don't understand what the girl are saying. They start to turned their attention to her again.

Y/N start to hang her head down "The truth is.. I.. I didn't take the exam"

She didn't dare to look up and see the look at her family face. She know that they'll be dissapointed. She play with her fingers before she continue.

"To tell you the truth, I.. I'm not interested in business at all. To tell you the truth, nothing intrested me. This past month I've been thinking a lot to decided what I wanted to be in the future, but... I found nothing. Nothing excited me"

"So.. So I.. I didn't take the exam and I.. I thought of doing a gap year. I want to find things that I really love and what I want to do in the future"

"I.. I promise I'll take any consequences from you. I.. I know you must be dissapointed in me and I.. I'm ready for it. I'm ready for my punishment" Y/N said as she held her eyes shut.

She felt a hand on her shoulder making her turned her head.

Her mother are looking at her with a warm smile before she start to put her arms around her.

"Aw Y/N, my daughter. Why you didn't say so in the begining?"

"I'm sorry my child, you must've feel really burdened from all of my business talk when we're having dinner. I didn't know you feel that" her father sighed.

"Wah dad, you talk about business over dinner? That's must be hell" Seokjung said, earning a smack from his father.

"Y..you guys are not dissapointed in me?" Y/N said with tears on her eyes.

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