52 : Away from each other

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"So today must be really exhausting for you oppa"

Yoongi hummed in response.

"Have you eat then?"



The line goes silence.

Y/N wait for an answer but there still no sound from it. She waited for half an hour before she decided to ended the call.

Yoongi and the rest of BTS member are on their world tour. It is their second month into it, they still have another four months before the boys would get back to Korea. It's the usual night for Y/N. They would call each other and sometimes video call with each other if they can.

Usually Yoongi always called her after every concert, says he always feel lonely from the post concert syndrom. So she always make sure to be there for him. But of course those calls always ended up he falls asleep halfway, not that Y/N mind actually. It is fine by her.

"Shoot! I'm sorry Y/N, I fell asleep again"

"It's okay oppa"

"No no no. You were about to tell me about your photoshoot. How was it?"

"Well, it's--"

"Yoongi! Get ready! We're going now" another person voice could be heard. Y/N know that it must be Sejin who called him.

"You have to go right?" Y/N asked the boy.

The other line goes silence.

"It's okay oppa. I'll tell you next time"

"I'm so sorry Y/N. I'll make it up to you baby"


Y/N ended the call as she sigh. She shouldn't complain. It's not his fault. She have to understand him. That's what she's been telling herself.


It's BTS third month of world tour and Y/N could feel her and Yoongi's communication start to decreasing. She noticed that he didn't like his usual self. Usually he would say sweet things to her, listening to her stories and even telling her his day, but now he just seems.. bored and uninterested.

"And then we went to this cute cafe that Dawon eonni recommended"

"Really?" Yoongi replied with a flat tone.

"Yes and the cake is really delicious. I'm sure you'll like it oppa"

Yoongi just hummed in response. Y/N gulped, trying to surpress her emotion. It's been like this for awhile, he's not giving her his attention. She know she have to understand that he is busy. She have to.

Y/N know that herself is not having a good day these past week, she's been dealing with a lot of problems and under a stress. But she know that he do too. He needed more attention than she does.

"Have you eat oppa?" Y/N asked, trying to sound as cheerful as possible.

Yoongi hummed.

"What did you eat?"

"Just as usual"

"How's your day oppa?"

"Just the usual. Eat, work out, producing, sleep"

"Are you producing right now?"

Yoongi hummed.

"Should I ended the call?"

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