7 : Genius Lab

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After the talk with Jungkook, Y/N and Jungkook become much closer with each other. They both joke around a lot and the older member could notice that. They all felt glad that Jungkook is comfortable around her more. They know how shy Jungkook is and especially around girls. He also don't have friends, all the people around him are all older than him. So they're glad that Y/N become one of his friend.

Y/N watch the group dance practice as she munch on her snack. When the song ends, Y/N and Sejin start to give the boys some bottle of water. Of course Y/N make sure to avoid Yoongi. She know that she's gonna blush when talking him and the last thing she want is the other member to notice her feelings. Y/N is talking with Hoseok when Jungkook start to snatch the snack that Y/N is holding right now.

"Hey! Jungkook! It's mine!"

Jungkook start to eat the snack as he replied her by sticking his tongue out.

"No fair! Give it to me Jungkook!" Y/N start to went up to him and try to snatch the snack back. Jungkook start to run around the room with the snack, and Y/N won't give up in catching him. At one point, she success on making the boy stop running and she try to snatch the snack back. But she failed as Jungkook is way taller than her.

Y/N pouted as Jungkook just laugh at her.

"Aigo you guys! You know that there's still snack available there?" The other member laugh along with Jungkook.

"But banana kick is my favorite" Y/N pouted

(Banana kick is the name of a korean snack)

"It's mine too" Jungkook stick his tongue out, earning a glare from Y/N

"Sejin hyung, did you buy me a pain relief plaster?" Yoongi gets up from his seat and asked his manager.

"Oops, I forgot. Is your ankle still hurting?" Yoongi noded at the question.

"Hyung, are you okay?" Jimin asked worryingly.

"I'm fine, just a little pain. I'll buy it then"

Yoongi start to go out of the practice room, and went to the convenience store with Sejin since the dance practice is also over. Seokjin stay with Hoseok to continue the dance practice. Jimin start to have his vocal lesson. Namjoon head towards his studio to produce music, leaving Y/N, Jungkook, and Taehyung.

"So... what should we do know?"

Y/N and Jungkook just shrug at Taehyung question.

"I think I'll go to Soohyung noona, I want her to see the new lyrics I just make" Jungkook said.

"Oh! Can I come with you?"

"Sure! Do you also want to come Y/N?"

Y/N shook her head "Nah, I think I'll stay here, watching my brother practicing his dance"

"Well, fine then. See you" Taehyung and Jungkook bid her goodbye.


Y/N start to take a seat in the corner of the room, watching his brother and Hoseok dance practice. Y/N never knew how scary Hoseok is when he is serious. Y/N always saw him as a ray of sunshine, she never knew that he can be that intimidating.

Y/N just smile at her brother effort, she can see how much he work hard on his dance, even though he know that he cannot control his body well, he still work hard. He glance at her a few times with a smile on his face, and sometimes throw some jokes. Even though he is practicing, he still wanted to acompany her.

The door of the practice room opens, making Y/N turned her head at the source of the sound. Seeing the person, Y/N immediately turned her attention on the floor, not wanting to keep an eye contact with the person.

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